GERMAN: Hitler hat ein Ei, und Himmler keins.... /
Hitler hat ein Ei, und Goering keins... ‡
‡ ) “Hitler has one ball, & Himmler none...” /
“Hitler has one ball, & Goering none...”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
sun., 30 jan., 2011, a maltese madonna?
MALTESE: Qisek dik ilsbjana il madonna. +
+ ) “You’re like that lesbo-dyke Virgin Mary.”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
+ ) “You’re like that lesbo-dyke Virgin Mary.”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
sat., 29 jan. 2011, an arse ecology
FINNISH: kuraperse §§
§§ ) muddy arse / muddy ass
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
§§ ) muddy arse / muddy ass
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Friday, January 28, 2011
fri., 28 jan., 2011, a maltese-european exchange
MALTESE: Inbullek fuq l ewropa! ¶¶
¶¶ ) “I piss upon Europe!”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
¶¶ ) “I piss upon Europe!”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
thurs., 27 jan, 2011, a finnish speed-dial speedo
FINNISH: Vitut kikille kännykkäsi pikavalinnassa! / Haistata vittu kännykkäsi
pikavalinnassa! +
+ ) “Fuck everyone on yr mobile phone speed dial.” /
“Fuck everyone on yr cell phone speed dial.”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
pikavalinnassa! +
+ ) “Fuck everyone on yr mobile phone speed dial.” /
“Fuck everyone on yr cell phone speed dial.”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
wed., 26 jan., 2011, another bastardry
AFRIKAANS: Die poes! §
AFRIKAANS: Die poes bliksem! §§
§ ) “That cunt (bastard)!” — more common usage ;
§§ ) “That cunt bastard!”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
AFRIKAANS: Die poes bliksem! §§
§ ) “That cunt (bastard)!” — more common usage ;
§§ ) “That cunt bastard!”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
tues., 25 jan., 2011, sacks of s.o.b. bastardry
BASQUE: Putakume! / Putasemea! §§
NORWEGIAN: Drittsekk! Jævel! §§§
UZBEK: Занталоқ! — Zantaloq! §§
§§ ) “Bastard!” / “Son of a bitch!” / bastard; son of a bitch ;
§§§ ) “Sack-of-shit! Bastard!” ;
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
NORWEGIAN: Drittsekk! Jævel! §§§
UZBEK: Занталоқ! — Zantaloq! §§
§§ ) “Bastard!” / “Son of a bitch!” / bastard; son of a bitch ;
§§§ ) “Sack-of-shit! Bastard!” ;
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Monday, January 24, 2011
mon., 24 jan., 2011, icelandic self-maintenance instructions
ICELANDIC: Runkadu ter! ‡‡
‡‡ ) “Go wank!” / “(Go) wank off!” ;
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
‡‡ ) “Go wank!” / “(Go) wank off!” ;
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
sun., 23 jan., 2011, icelandic advice in re the madonna
ICELANDIC: þú fokkar ekki með hina óspjölluðu Maríu. ++
++ ) “You don’t fuck with the Virgin Mary.”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
++ ) “You don’t fuck with the Virgin Mary.”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
sat., 22 jan., 2011, towards a new olympics sport
CROATIAN: drkadzijo ++
SERB: дркадзијо — drkadzijo ++
++ ) “super wanker”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
SERB: дркадзијо — drkadzijo ++
++ ) “super wanker”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Friday, January 21, 2011
fri., 21 jan., 2011, an ethnic lottery
CROATIAN: Ethno Brojalica. §
SERB: Еетхно Бројалика — Ethno Brojalica. §
§ ) “Ethnic Eeny-meeny-miney-moe.” = deadly game played by partisans
during recent conflicts in the former Yugoslavia; also title of poem by
Croatian poet Delimir Resicki.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
SERB: Еетхно Бројалика — Ethno Brojalica. §
§ ) “Ethnic Eeny-meeny-miney-moe.” = deadly game played by partisans
during recent conflicts in the former Yugoslavia; also title of poem by
Croatian poet Delimir Resicki.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
thurs., 20 jan., 2011, brain pain
NORWEGIAN: Et virus herpa harddisken min. §§
§§ ) “A virus damaged my hard disk.” = my brain hurts.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
§§ ) “A virus damaged my hard disk.” = my brain hurts.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
wed., 19 jan., 2011, a bastardry
NORWEGIAN: Drittsekk! Jævel! §§
UZBEK: Занталоқ! — Zantaloq! §§§
§§ ) “Sack-of-shit! Bastard!” ;
§§§ ) “Bastard!” / “Son of a bitch!” / bastard; son of a bitch.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
UZBEK: Занталоқ! — Zantaloq! §§§
§§ ) “Sack-of-shit! Bastard!” ;
§§§ ) “Bastard!” / “Son of a bitch!” / bastard; son of a bitch.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
tues., 18 jan., 2011, notes towards an extreme political discourse
AFRIKAANS: halskette **
SOTHO, N.: pheta **
ZULU: umgaxo / umlengiso **
** ) “necklace” / “necklacing” = placing a petrol-soaked rubber tire around someone’s
torso & setting it on fire; orig. by Rhodesian security forces in 1960s & 1970s;
spread to S. Africa in mid-1980s & used by all conflicting factions through early
1990s; practice also spread to Haiti, Nigeria & Braz.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
SOTHO, N.: pheta **
ZULU: umgaxo / umlengiso **
** ) “necklace” / “necklacing” = placing a petrol-soaked rubber tire around someone’s
torso & setting it on fire; orig. by Rhodesian security forces in 1960s & 1970s;
spread to S. Africa in mid-1980s & used by all conflicting factions through early
1990s; practice also spread to Haiti, Nigeria & Braz.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Monday, January 17, 2011
mon., 17 jan., 2011, filipina diva wanna-be
TAGALOG: Chichay Chákakhan! §§§
§§§ ) “Bitchy nasty-tempered ugly super-bitch!” = Fucking virago looks like
[soul diva] Chaka Khan! / Fucking virago thinks she's Chaka Khan!
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
§§§ ) “Bitchy nasty-tempered ugly super-bitch!” = Fucking virago looks like
[soul diva] Chaka Khan! / Fucking virago thinks she's Chaka Khan!
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
sun., 16 jan., 2011, an after-dinner russian toast
RUSSIAN: Споконой ночи мать машу в три креста! / Spokonoy nochi, mat’ mašu
v tri kresta! ++
++) “Good night, & fuck yr mother & three crosses, too!” = after-dinner valediction.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
v tri kresta! ++
++) “Good night, & fuck yr mother & three crosses, too!” = after-dinner valediction.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
sat., 15 jan., 2011, a brazilian political potluck
PORTUGUESE, BRAZ.: Micro-onda ‡‡
‡‡ ) “Micro-wave” = “necklacing” variant [political murder by immolation, as
practiced by Rhodesian security forces in the 1960s & 1970s, & by warring
South African factions from the 1980s through to the early 1990s, as well
as Nigeria & Haiti] substituting petrol-filled tin barrel for petrol-soaked
rubber tire; the victim is placed in tin barrel & set on fire; method used
in Rio’s favelas by drug dealers & vigilantes, sometimes against real
journalists [as opposed to U.S. p.r. flaks & fuck-puppet propagandists]. ______________________________________________________
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
‡‡ ) “Micro-wave” = “necklacing” variant [political murder by immolation, as
practiced by Rhodesian security forces in the 1960s & 1970s, & by warring
South African factions from the 1980s through to the early 1990s, as well
as Nigeria & Haiti] substituting petrol-filled tin barrel for petrol-soaked
rubber tire; the victim is placed in tin barrel & set on fire; method used
in Rio’s favelas by drug dealers & vigilantes, sometimes against real
journalists [as opposed to U.S. p.r. flaks & fuck-puppet propagandists]. ______________________________________________________
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Friday, January 14, 2011
fri., 14 jan., 2011, faire de la politique d' haiti
CREOLE, HAITIAN: Tonton Macoute ++
++ ) “Uncle Gunnysack” — Papa Doc’s death-squads; later employed by Baby
Doc’s regime & in subsequent Haitian civil wars, circa 1957—2000 (&
beyond; wore brownshirt drag & sunglasses & cultivated a baadaaaaassss
vodun aura, appropriating the native religion to their political ends ; the
death-squads used semi-automatics, but machete was preferred, if not
totemic weapon.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
++ ) “Uncle Gunnysack” — Papa Doc’s death-squads; later employed by Baby
Doc’s regime & in subsequent Haitian civil wars, circa 1957—2000 (&
beyond; wore brownshirt drag & sunglasses & cultivated a baadaaaaassss
vodun aura, appropriating the native religion to their political ends ; the
death-squads used semi-automatics, but machete was preferred, if not
totemic weapon.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
thurs., 13 jan., 2011, a welsh salutation
WELSH: Twll din pop Saes! **
** ) “Arseholes to all Englishmen!” / “Assholes to all Englishmen!” ______________________________________________________
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
** ) “Arseholes to all Englishmen!” / “Assholes to all Englishmen!” ______________________________________________________
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
wed., 12 jan. 2011, would you like fries with that?
DUTCH: Eet pinguin poep. +
DUTCH: Eet pinguin poep smeerlap. / Eet pinguin poep bastaard. ++
DUTCH: Eet pinguin poep trut. / Eet pinguin poep kaffer. +++
+ ) “Eat penguin shit.”
++ ) “Eat penguin shit, son-of-a-bitch.” / “Eat penguin shit, bastard.”
+++ ) “Eat penguin shit, bitch.” / “Eat penguin shit, cow.”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
DUTCH: Eet pinguin poep smeerlap. / Eet pinguin poep bastaard. ++
DUTCH: Eet pinguin poep trut. / Eet pinguin poep kaffer. +++
+ ) “Eat penguin shit.”
++ ) “Eat penguin shit, son-of-a-bitch.” / “Eat penguin shit, bastard.”
+++ ) “Eat penguin shit, bitch.” / “Eat penguin shit, cow.”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
tues., 11 jan., 2011, the war on drugs (a mexican note)
SPANISH: “A este pinchi vieja la matamos por relaje...esto es va a pasar a todos
los pinches relajes.” — Z [los Zetas] ++
++ ) “We killed this fucking obstinate old lady for snitching...this will happen
to all fucking snitches.” — Z [the Zs / Zetas]
Note written on cardboard & propped against the decapitated
corpse of an old lady in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.
The cops found her body & the cardboard note on 25 Oct., 2010,
her head in her lap, & a now-severed finger in her mouth.
The Zs / Zetas are narco-traficantes [narco-traffickers] with para-
military origins.
The Zetas trained at the Ft. Benning School of the Americas to deal
with the Zapatista insurgency in Chiapas — & we know how well that went.
When the Zetas were next assigned to fight narco-traficantes, the
narco-traficantes offered the Zetas a better benefits package ...
Over 30,000 Mexicans have died in the war on (& for) drugs since
2007 ... the lucky ones merely shot ...
This note & incident is courtesy of the excellent article, The Mystery of the
Tainted Cocaine, Pt. iv.: The Bigger Mystery, by Brendan Kiley, The Stranger,
6 Jan., 2011 [link below].
read the fanfuckingtastic curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
los pinches relajes.” — Z [los Zetas] ++
++ ) “We killed this fucking obstinate old lady for snitching...this will happen
to all fucking snitches.” — Z [the Zs / Zetas]
Note written on cardboard & propped against the decapitated
corpse of an old lady in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.
The cops found her body & the cardboard note on 25 Oct., 2010,
her head in her lap, & a now-severed finger in her mouth.
The Zs / Zetas are narco-traficantes [narco-traffickers] with para-
military origins.
The Zetas trained at the Ft. Benning School of the Americas to deal
with the Zapatista insurgency in Chiapas — & we know how well that went.
When the Zetas were next assigned to fight narco-traficantes, the
narco-traficantes offered the Zetas a better benefits package ...
Over 30,000 Mexicans have died in the war on (& for) drugs since
2007 ... the lucky ones merely shot ...
This note & incident is courtesy of the excellent article, The Mystery of the
Tainted Cocaine, Pt. iv.: The Bigger Mystery, by Brendan Kiley, The Stranger,
6 Jan., 2011 [link below].
read the fanfuckingtastic curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Monday, January 10, 2011
mon., 10 jan., 2011, a couple of arses?
HEBREW: תחת מלוכלך — tahkat melōchlekhet +
HUNGARIAN: Menj a büdös picsába! ++
+ ) filthy arse / filthy ass ;
++ ) “Go up a smelly arse!” / “Go up a smelly ass!”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
HUNGARIAN: Menj a büdös picsába! ++
+ ) filthy arse / filthy ass ;
++ ) “Go up a smelly arse!” / “Go up a smelly ass!”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
sun., 9 jan., 2011, a blasphomet
MACEDONIAN: Да ти ебам бозество кучка! — Da ti ebam bozestvo kučka! ‡‡‡
‡‡‡ ) “Fuck yr God, bitch!”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
‡‡‡ ) “Fuck yr God, bitch!”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
sat., 8 jan., 2011, a bollock short...
BULGARIAN: ташак — tašak *
* ) “one-bollock-wanker” / “one-bollock-jerkoff”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
* ) “one-bollock-wanker” / “one-bollock-jerkoff”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Friday, January 7, 2011
fri., 7 jan., 2011, give wales back to the irish?
WELSH: Cadwch Cymru yn lan. Danfonwch y sbwriel i Loegr! +++
+++ ) “Keep Wales tidy. Leave yr rubbish in England!”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
+++ ) “Keep Wales tidy. Leave yr rubbish in England!”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
thurs., 6 jan., 2011, a balkan salutation from the new congress
CROATIAN: Jebem ti narodno zdravlje. +
SERB: Йебем ти народно здравҧе. — Jebem ti narodno zdravlje. +
+ ) “Fuck yr National Health.”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
SERB: Йебем ти народно здравҧе. — Jebem ti narodno zdravlje. +
+ ) “Fuck yr National Health.”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
wed., 5 jan., 2011, the 12th day of xmas
FINNISH: Joulun kahdennellatoista päivällä naintikaverini antoi minulle:
12 vituttavaa kortsua, 11 toisiaan poskeen ottavaa säkkipillinsoittajaa,
10 sutenöörinä toimivaa valtiasta, 9 tankotanssivaa tyttöä,
8 runkaavaa piikaa, 7 kuusella käyvää joutsenta, 6 harovaa hanhia,
5 kultaista mulkkurengasta, 4 kiroilevaa papukaijaa,
3 kielisuudelmia antavaa lintunaarasta, 2 naivaa kyyhkyä
ja peltopyyn paskaa päärynäpuussa. ++++
++++ ) On the 12th day of xmas my fuck-pal sent to me: 12 cunting condoms,
11 pipers blowing pipers, 10 lords a pimping, 9 girls pole-dancing,
8 maids a-wanking, 7 swans a-pissing, 6 geese a-goosing, 5 golden
cock rings, 4 foul-mouth parrots, 3 hens a frenching, 2 doves fucking
& partridge crap in a pear tree
( — molto thank-ye's to a.m. for the stake-paining xlation...)
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
12 vituttavaa kortsua, 11 toisiaan poskeen ottavaa säkkipillinsoittajaa,
10 sutenöörinä toimivaa valtiasta, 9 tankotanssivaa tyttöä,
8 runkaavaa piikaa, 7 kuusella käyvää joutsenta, 6 harovaa hanhia,
5 kultaista mulkkurengasta, 4 kiroilevaa papukaijaa,
3 kielisuudelmia antavaa lintunaarasta, 2 naivaa kyyhkyä
ja peltopyyn paskaa päärynäpuussa. ++++
++++ ) On the 12th day of xmas my fuck-pal sent to me: 12 cunting condoms,
11 pipers blowing pipers, 10 lords a pimping, 9 girls pole-dancing,
8 maids a-wanking, 7 swans a-pissing, 6 geese a-goosing, 5 golden
cock rings, 4 foul-mouth parrots, 3 hens a frenching, 2 doves fucking
& partridge crap in a pear tree
( — molto thank-ye's to a.m. for the stake-paining xlation...)
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
tues., 4 jan., 2011, 11th. day of xmas
FINNISH: Joulun kahdennellatoista päivällä naintikaverini antoi minulle:
11 toisiaan poskeen ottavaa säkkipillinsoittajaa,
10 sutenöörinä toimivaa valtiasta, 9 tankotanssivaa tyttöä,
8 runkaavaa piikaa, 7 kuusella käyvää joutsenta, 6 harovaa hanhia,
5 kultaista mulkkurengasta, 4 kiroilevaa papukaijaa,
3 kielisuudelmia antavaa lintunaarasta, 2 naivaa kyyhkyä
ja peltopyyn paskaa päärynäpuussa. ++++
++++ ) On the 11th day of xmas my fuck-pal sent to me:
11 pipers blowing pipers, 10 lords a pimping, 9 girls pole-dancing,
8 maids a-wanking, 7 swans a-pissing, 6 geese a-goosing, 5 golden
cock rings, 4 foul-mouth parrots, 3 hens a frenching, 2 doves fucking
& partridge crap in a pear tree
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
11 toisiaan poskeen ottavaa säkkipillinsoittajaa,
10 sutenöörinä toimivaa valtiasta, 9 tankotanssivaa tyttöä,
8 runkaavaa piikaa, 7 kuusella käyvää joutsenta, 6 harovaa hanhia,
5 kultaista mulkkurengasta, 4 kiroilevaa papukaijaa,
3 kielisuudelmia antavaa lintunaarasta, 2 naivaa kyyhkyä
ja peltopyyn paskaa päärynäpuussa. ++++
++++ ) On the 11th day of xmas my fuck-pal sent to me:
11 pipers blowing pipers, 10 lords a pimping, 9 girls pole-dancing,
8 maids a-wanking, 7 swans a-pissing, 6 geese a-goosing, 5 golden
cock rings, 4 foul-mouth parrots, 3 hens a frenching, 2 doves fucking
& partridge crap in a pear tree
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Monday, January 3, 2011
mon., 3 jan., 2011, 10th. day of xmas
FINNISH: Joulun kahdennellatoista päivällä naintikaverini antoi minulle:
10 sutenöörinä toimivaa valtiasta, 9 tankotanssivaa tyttöä,
8 runkaavaa piikaa, 7 kuusella käyvää joutsenta, 6 harovaa hanhia,
5 kultaista mulkkurengasta, 4 kiroilevaa papukaijaa,
3 kielisuudelmia antavaa lintunaarasta, 2 naivaa kyyhkyä
ja peltopyyn paskaa päärynäpuussa. ++++
++++ ) On the 10th day of xmas my fuck-pal sent to me: 10 lords a pimping,
9 girls pole-dancing, 8 maids a-wanking, 7 swans a-pissing,
6 geese a-goosing, 5 golden cock rings, 4 foul-mouth parrots,
3 hens a frenching, 2 doves fucking & partridge crap in a pear tree
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
10 sutenöörinä toimivaa valtiasta, 9 tankotanssivaa tyttöä,
8 runkaavaa piikaa, 7 kuusella käyvää joutsenta, 6 harovaa hanhia,
5 kultaista mulkkurengasta, 4 kiroilevaa papukaijaa,
3 kielisuudelmia antavaa lintunaarasta, 2 naivaa kyyhkyä
ja peltopyyn paskaa päärynäpuussa. ++++
++++ ) On the 10th day of xmas my fuck-pal sent to me: 10 lords a pimping,
9 girls pole-dancing, 8 maids a-wanking, 7 swans a-pissing,
6 geese a-goosing, 5 golden cock rings, 4 foul-mouth parrots,
3 hens a frenching, 2 doves fucking & partridge crap in a pear tree
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
sun, 2 jan., 2011, 9th. day of xmas
FINNISH: Joulun kahdennellatoista päivällä naintikaverini antoi minulle:
9 tankotanssivaa tyttöä, 8 runkaavaa piikaa,
7 kuusella käyvää joutsenta, 6 harovaa hanhia,
5 kultaista mulkkurengasta, 4 kiroilevaa papukaijaa,
3 kielisuudelmia antavaa lintunaarasta, 2 naivaa kyyhkyä
ja peltopyyn paskaa päärynäpuussa. ++++
++++ ) On the 9th day of xmas my fuck-pal sent to me: 9 girls pole-dancing,
8 maids a-wanking, 7 swans a-pissing, 6 geese a-goosing, 5 golden
cock rings, 4 foul-mouth parrots, 3 hens a frenching, 2 doves fucking
& partridge crap in a pear tree
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
9 tankotanssivaa tyttöä, 8 runkaavaa piikaa,
7 kuusella käyvää joutsenta, 6 harovaa hanhia,
5 kultaista mulkkurengasta, 4 kiroilevaa papukaijaa,
3 kielisuudelmia antavaa lintunaarasta, 2 naivaa kyyhkyä
ja peltopyyn paskaa päärynäpuussa. ++++
++++ ) On the 9th day of xmas my fuck-pal sent to me: 9 girls pole-dancing,
8 maids a-wanking, 7 swans a-pissing, 6 geese a-goosing, 5 golden
cock rings, 4 foul-mouth parrots, 3 hens a frenching, 2 doves fucking
& partridge crap in a pear tree
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
sat. 1 jan., 2011, 8th. day of xmas (& a happy neü yr.)
FINNISH: Joulun kahdennellatoista päivällä naintikaverini antoi minulle:
8 runkaavaa piikaa, 7 kuusella käyvää joutsenta, 6 harovaa hanhia,
5 kultaista mulkkurengasta, 4 kiroilevaa papukaijaa,
3 kielisuudelmia antavaa lintunaarasta, 2 naivaa kyyhkyä
ja peltopyyn paskaa päärynäpuussa. ++++
++++ ) On the 8th day of xmas my fuck-pal sent to me: 8 maids a-wanking,
7 swans a-pissing, 6 geese a-goosing, 5 golden cock rings,
4 foul-mouth parrots, 3 hens a frenching, 2 doves fucking
& partridge crap in a pear tree
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
8 runkaavaa piikaa, 7 kuusella käyvää joutsenta, 6 harovaa hanhia,
5 kultaista mulkkurengasta, 4 kiroilevaa papukaijaa,
3 kielisuudelmia antavaa lintunaarasta, 2 naivaa kyyhkyä
ja peltopyyn paskaa päärynäpuussa. ++++
++++ ) On the 8th day of xmas my fuck-pal sent to me: 8 maids a-wanking,
7 swans a-pissing, 6 geese a-goosing, 5 golden cock rings,
4 foul-mouth parrots, 3 hens a frenching, 2 doves fucking
& partridge crap in a pear tree
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
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