Monday, September 30, 2019

mon., 30 sept., 2019: notes on spain’s gen-x-y-z, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
SPANISH:   Nini!  /  Ni  [estudiando]  ni  [trabajando] ! 

‡)  Neither  [studying]  or  [working]!”  = 
Used both in Spain & in Mexico to describe the new lost generation,  victimized by yet another global economic catastrophe ;  unemployment among youth is as high as 75% or 80%  in some parts of Spain & Mexico ;  Etym.,  Span.,  nini  =  contraction of  neither-neither  [Courtesy M.S.]

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

& sun., 29 sept., 2019: a respectful Japanese blasphomet, iii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
JAPANESE:   テメーのクソっぽい新宗教をやれ! — Temē no kusoppoi shinshūkyō wo yare!  §

§)  Fuck your shitty new religion!” 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

sat., 28 sept., 2019: a respectful japanese blasphomet, iii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
JAPANESE:   テメーのクソっぽい新宗教をやれ! — Temē no kusoppoi shinshūkyō wo yare!  §

§)  Fuck your shitty new religion!” 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Friday, September 27, 2019

fri., 27 aug., 2019: italian observations on donald trump, i.: Give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
ITALIAN:  Donald Trump è un grande stronzo...

‡)  Donald Trump is a big shit-for-brains moron-with-a-hard-on arsehole...”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

fri., 27 sept., 2019: a toast to the new russian space program: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
RUSSIAN: Алконавт... alkonaut...

  ) “Alconaut” = a portmonteau of “alcohol” & “Cosmonaut”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

& thurs., 26 sept., 2019: on varieties of french backhanded compliments, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
FRENCH: Quel noble sauvage.  (s.)  
FRENCH: Quels nobles sauvages.  (pl.)  ‡‡

  ‡)   “What a noble savage…” 
‡‡)   “What noble savages…” 
NOTE:  simultaneously a mickey, a piss-take, & a backhanded complement of the concept of the “Noble Savage”, a concept that flows through the 17th.,  18th.,  19th.,  &  20th. C. European encounters with “the Other” of the North American indigenous cultures, noble by their not having been corrupted by civilization, admired & fetishised & romanticised, as often as not projecting their prejudices & ideals, their hopes & fears, rather than really looking at these cultures, & how these ideas permeated European Civilization, & how this admiration was variously & contradictorily expressed in the work of such playwrights, philosophers, (often racist)  polemicists masquerading as anthropologists (as well as well-intentioned anthropologist),  painters & novelists as John Dryden,  Thos. Hobbes (Leviathan),  Alexander Pope,  Paul Hazard,  Michel de Montaigne, Bartolomé de la Casas (an observer of the decimations & genocide of the Conquista who became a champion of the basic human rights of the North & South American Indians), Jean-Jacques Rousseau (who is often misquoted & wrongly credited for many of the concepts), Benjamin Franklin & Thos. Jefferson (who borrowed from the Iroquois peoples concepts of democratic governance to draft what became the US Constitution,  George Catlin (the painter),  & Chas. Dickens (who inserted himself into controversies of the disappearance of the Franklin expedition, joining the racist chorus of Brits who blamed Inuit cannibalism for their vanishing,  when in fact they had been driven mad by lead poisoning in their canned goods), & even influencing the work of 20th. C. anthropologists such as Franz Boas,  Margaret Mead & Lévi Strauss (who tried for a balanced view of the indigenous culturesP, & the novelist Wm. Golding whose novel Lord of The Flies took a hard-arse attitude to any notions of romantic primitivism & its noble savages,  & by filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, who also took a hard arse in such films as 2001 & Clockwork Orange, & filmmaker Terrence Malick, whose depiction of the founding of the Jamestown settlement in Virginia & such figures as Capt. John Smith, Pocahotas & John Rolfe, is closer in spirit to the 17th. & 18th. C. romantics.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

wed., 25 sept., 2019: on varieties of french backhanded compliments, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
FRENCH: Quel noble sauvage.  (s.)  

  ‡)   “What a noble savage…” 
NOTE:  simultaneously a mickey, a piss-take, & a backhanded complement of the concept of the “Noble Savage”, a concept that flows through the 17th.,  18th.,  19th.,  &  20th. C. European encounters with “the Other” of the North American indigenous cultures, noble by their not having been corrupted by civilization, admired & fetishised & romanticised, as often as not projecting their prejudices & ideals, their hopes & fears, rather than really looking at these cultures, & how these ideas permeated European Civilization, & how this admiration was variously & contradictorily expressed in the work of such playwrights, philosophers, (often racist)  polemicists masquerading as anthropologists (as well as well-intentioned anthropologist),  painters & novelists as John Dryden,  Thos. Hobbes (Leviathan),  Alexander Pope,  Paul Hazard,  Michel de Montaigne, Bartolomé de la Casas (an observer of the decimations & genocide of the Conquista who became a champion of the basic human rights of the North & South American Indians), Jean-Jacques Rousseau (who is often misquoted & wrongly credited for many of the concepts), Benjamin Franklin & Thos. Jefferson (who borrowed from the Iroquois peoples concepts of democratic governance to draft what became the US Constitution,  George Catlin (the painter),  & Chas. Dickens (who inserted himself into controversies of the disappearance of the Franklin expedition, joining the racist chorus of Brits who blamed Inuit cannibalism for their vanishing,  when in fact they had been driven mad by lead poisoning in their canned goods), & even influencing the work of 20th. C. anthropologists such as Franz Boas,  Margaret Mead & Lévi Strauss (who tried for a balanced view of the indigenous culturesP, & the novelist Wm. Golding whose novel Lord of The Flies took a hard-arse attitude to any notions of romantic primitivism & its noble savages,  & by filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, who also took a hard arse in such films as 2001 & Clockwork Orange, & filmmaker Terrence Malick, whose depiction of the founding of the Jamestown settlement in Virginia & such figures as Capt. John Smith, Pocahotas & John Rolfe, is closer in spirit to the 17th. & 18th. C. romantics.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

& tues., 24 sept., 2019: at the heart of greta thunberg’s swedish climate strike, v.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
SWEDISH:  Flugsham   ‡

FRENCH:  La terre est en feu… ‡‡

SWEDISH:  Skolstejk för  Klmatet   ‡‡‡

SWEDISH:  Stejk för  Klmatet  ‡‡‡‡

    ‡)  “Shame of flying…”   / “Shame of flying…” 
NOTE:  Flugsham  (Shame of Flying)  is a Swedish term & eco-warrior/eco-tourist raison d’etre & motto, referring to the inexcusable carbon quantities that each & every long-distance flyer is responsible.  Greta Thunberg, a teenaged Swedish environmental activist has galvanized international public attention by crossing the Atlantic from Scandinavia to New York City on a small boat to attend the Climate Strike scheduled for Fri., 20 Sept., 2019. She has testified before Congress, & called lying sack-of-shite motherless fuck Republicoños on their dissembling stupidity,  which was self-evident in their arrogant & idiotic questions that self-destructed even as they asked. All she had to do was pull out their freshly-rolled shaggy bullshit soaked red carpet from them. The climate strike is a world-wide event,  held in over 120 countries  &. largely organized by teenagers who tell everyone above the age of 50 that they’ll die of old age, whereas teenagers will live to die from climate change  ;
   ‡‡)  “The earth is on fire” a tweet sent by French president Macron before this summer’s G7 summit in response to the Amazon rainforest fires, something of an increasingly annual problem… & the intensity of this year’s fires caused by new #BrazilianFakePresident, who has declared a mining & agricultural burning & clearcutting free for all,  refusing any assistance to put out the flames,  & criticizing any criticism of his govt. as neo-colonialist fake news.  The guy has really studied the Donald.  The Brazilians have started to dial things back ever so slightly as several client countries (incl. EU members) are boycotting a lot of their product, incl. beef. While these fires are not currently catastrophic,  they can have effect on regional & global rain distribution,  & if the fires do continue, they can easily reach a tipping point,  destroying a major part of the earth’s planetary respiratory system ;
  ‡‡‡)  “School Strike For Climate Change”
NOTE:  Greta Thunberg began her “School Strike For Climate Change” in 2018,  with her signs in Swedish,  relentlessly making appearances in front of politicians,  & parking in front of their offices to bear witness,  in front of city halls or any other civic institutes,  in front of offices of corporate poluters,  initially in Sweden,  but then throughout Europe,  demanding they do something;   & finally a global strike for climate change was planned for the weekend of Fri., 20 Sept., through Sun., 22 Sept., 2019;  & Greta Thunberg, rather than taking a plane,  got on a small boat & joined a small crew to sail across the Atlantic Ocean,  arriving in NYC shortly before the Global Climate Strike,  & doing a very effective media campaign;  this culminated in a speech before the UN Gen. Assy. on 23 Sept., 2019,  where she asked them if they were so purely evil as to pretend to be addressing climate change whilst doing nothing,  while a new great extinction begins,  while tens of thousands of people die,  and concluded her speech with the observation that her generation would never forgive their generation for the cavalier betrayal of their children  &  Grandchildren  & their very planet  ;
‡‡‡‡)  “Strike For Climate Change”
NOTE:  Greta Thunberg began her School Strike For Climate Change in 2018,  with her signs in Swedish,  relentlessly making appearances in front of politicians,  & parking in front of their offices to bear witness,  in front of city halls or any other civic institutes,  in front of offices of corporate poluters,  initially in Sweden,  but then throughout Europe,  demanding they do something;  this culminated in a speech before the UN Gen. Assy. on 23 Sept., 2019,  during the global “Strike for Climate Change”. (a strike which included not only students,  but young people everywhere,  as well as any adults who wished to align themselves with this movement)  where she asked them if they were so purely evil as to pretend to be addressing climate change whilst doing nothing,  while a new great extinction begins,  while tens of thousands of people die,  & concluded her speech with the observation that her generation would never forgive their generation for the cavalier betrayal of their children  &  Grandchildren  & their very planet  ;  affiliated global grps like Extinction Rebellion, which started in the UK,  & which has staged massive acts of civil disobedience & noviolent resistanc,  not only targeting institutions like museums who get major grants from some of the world’s largest & most relentless fossil fuel polluters,  but also making life miserable for any members of British Parliament who refuse to do anything except cry crocodile tears;  Extinciton Rebelion has been so effective that,  even with Brexit sucking all of the oxygen out of all public rms. & forums, as well as most private venues,  they have actually been able to force the govt. (including the Tories) to fucking do something,  to even pass some legislationHell, even the merkin-headed clown p.m. Boris Johnson showed some spine on the issue at the G-7 summit & aligned the UK with the rest of the G-7 on the climate issue,  & in opposition to Trump’s ecocidal & chaotic climate policies.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press

Monday, September 23, 2019

& mon., 23 sept., 2019: at the heart of greta thunberg’s swedish climate strike, iv.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
SWEDISH:  Flugsham   
FRENCH:  La terre est en feu… ‡‡

  ‡)   “Shame of flying…”   / “Shame of flying…” 
NOTE:  Flugsham  (Shame of Flying)  is a Swedish term & eco-warrior/eco-tourist raison d’etre & motto, referring to the inexcusable carbon quantities that each & every long-distance flyer is responsible.  Greta Thunberg, a teenaged Swedish environmental activist has galvanized international public attention by crossing the Atlantic from Scandinavia to New York City on a small boat to attend the Climate Strike scheduled for Fri., 20 Sept., 2019. She has testified before Congress, & called lying sack-of-shite motherless fuck Republicoños on their dissembling stupidity,  which was self-evident in their arrogant & idiotic questions that self-destructed even as they asked. All she had to do was pull out their freshly-rolled shaggy bullshit soaked red carpet from them. The climate strike is a world-wide event,  held in over 120 countries  &. largely organized by teenagers who tell everyone above the age of 50 that they’ll die of old age, whereas teenagers will live to die from climate change.
 ‡‡)  “The earth is on fire” a tweet sent by French president Macron before this summer’s G7 summit in response to the Amazon rainforest fires, something of an increasingly annual problem… & the intensity of this year’s fires caused by new #BrazilianFakePresident, who has declared a mining & agricultural burning & clearcutting free for all, refusing any assistance to put out the flames,  & criticizing any criticism of his govt. as neo-colonialist fake news.  The guy has really studied the Donald.  The Brazilians have started to dial things back ever so slightly as several client countries (incl. EU members) are boycotting a lot of their product, incl. beef. While these fires are not currently catastrophic,  they can have effect on regional & global rain distribution,  & if the fires do continue, they can easily reach a tipping point,  destroying a major part of the earth’s planetary respiratory system.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press

& sun., 22 sept., 2019: at the heart of greta thunberg’s swedish climate strike, iii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
SWEDISH:  Flugsham   
FRENCH:  La terre est en feu… ‡‡

  ‡)   “Shame of flying…”   / “Shame of flying…” 
NOTE:  Flugsham  (Shame of Flying)  is a Swedish term & eco-warrior/eco-tourist raison d’etre & motto, referring to the inexcusable carbon quantities that each & every long-distance flyer is responsible.  Greta Thunberg, a teenaged Swedish environmental activist has galvanized international public attention by crossing the Atlantic from Scandinavia to New York City on a small boat to attend the Climate Strike scheduled for Fri., 20 Sept., 2019. She has testified before Congress, & called lying sack-of-shite motherless fuck Republicoños on their dissembling stupidity,  which was self-evident in their arrogant & idiotic questions that self-destructed even as they asked. All she had to do was pull out their freshly-rolled shaggy bullshit soaked red carpet from them. The climate strike is a world-wide event,  held in over 120 countries  &. largely organized by teenagers who tell everyone above the age of 50 that they’ll die of old age, whereas teenagers will live to die from climate change.
 ‡‡)  “The earth is on fire” a tweet sent by French president Macron before this summer’s G7 summit in response to the Amazon rainforest fires, something of an increasingly annual problem… & the intensity of this year’s fires caused by new #BrazilianFakePresident, who has declared a mining & agricultural burning & clearcutting free for all,  refusing any assistance to put out the flames,  & criticizing any criticism of his govt. as neo-colonialist fake news.  The guy has really studied the Donald.  The Brazilians have started to dial things back ever so slightly as several client countries (incl. EU members) are boycotting a lot of their product, incl. beef. While these fires are not currently catastrophic,  they can have effect on regional & global rain distribution,  & if the fires do continue, they can easily reach a tipping point,  destroying a major part of the earth’s planetary respiratory system.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press

Saturday, September 21, 2019

sat., 21 sept., 2019: at the heart of greta thunberg’s swedish climate strike, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
SWEDISH:  Flugsham   
FRENCH:  La terre est en feu… ‡‡

  ‡)   “Shame of flying…”   / “Shame of flying…” 
NOTE:  Flugsham  (Shame of Flying)  is a Swedish term & eco-warrior/eco-tourist raison d’etre & motto, referring to the inexcusable carbon quantities that each & every long-distance flyer is responsible.  Greta Thunberg, a teenaged Swedish environmental activist has galvanized international public attention by crossing the Atlantic from Scandinavia to New York City on a small boat to attend the Climate Strike scheduled for Fri., 20 Sept., 2019. She has testified before Congress, & called lying sack-of-shite motherless fuck Republicoños on their dissembling stupidity,  which was self-evident in their arrogant & idiotic questions that self-destructed even as they asked. All she had to do was pull out their freshly-rolled shaggy bullshit soaked red carpet from them. The climate strike is a world-wide event,  held in over 120 countries  &. largely organized by teenagers who tell everyone above the age of 50 that they’ll die of old age, whereas teenagers will live to die from climate change.
 ‡‡)  “The earth is on fire” a tweet sent by French president Macron before this summer’s G7 summit in response to the Amazon rainforest fires, something of an increasingly annual problem… & the intensity of this year’s fires caused by new #BrazilianFakePresident, who has declared a mining & agricultural burning & clearcutting free for all,  refusing any assistance to put out the flames,  & criticizing any criticism of his govt. as neo-colonialist fake news.  The guy has really studied the Donald.  The Brazilians have started to dial things back ever so slightly as several client countries (incl. EU members) are boycotting a lot of their product, incl. beef. While these fires are not currently catastrophic,  they can have effect on regional & global rain distribution,  & if the fires do continue, they can easily reach a tipping point,  destroying a major part of the earth’s planetary respiratory system.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press

Friday, September 20, 2019

fri., 20 sept., 2019: at the heart of greta thunberg’s swedish climate strike, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
SWEDISH:  Flugsham   

  ‡)   “Shame of flying…”   / “Shame of flying…” 
NOTE:  Flugsham (Shame of Flying) is a Swedish term & eco-warrior/eco-tourist raison d’etre & motto, referring to the inexcusable carbon quantities that each & every long-distance flyer is responsible.  Greta Thunberg, a Swedish environmental activist has galvanized international public attention by crossing the Atlantic from Scandinavia to New York City on a small boat to attend the Climate Strike scheduled for Fri., 20 Sept., 2019.  She has testified before Congress, & called lying sack-of-shite motherless fuck Republicoños on their dissembling stupidity,  which was self-evident in their arrogant & idiotic questions that self-destructed even as they asked. All she had to do was pull out their freshly-rolled shaggy bullshit soaked red carpet from them.  The climate strike is a world-wide event,  held in over 120 countries  &  largely organized by teenagers who tell everyone above the age of 50 that they’ll die of old age, whereas teenagers will live to die from climate change.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press

Thursday, September 19, 2019

& thurs., 19 sept., 2019: attack of the yōkai manga nerds, v.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
JAPANESE:  豆腐小僧 — tōfu-kozō §
JAPANESE:  妖怪 yōkai  §§
JAPANESE:  あやかし — ayakashi  §§§
JAPANESE:  物の怪 — mononoke  §§§§
JAPANESE:  魔物  mamono  §§§§§

   §)  Lit., Tōfu Boy. Or Servant Monster.  In modern & post-modern usage likely to be a pejorative for hardcore manga nerd wimps,  or can refer to a specific yōkai (妖怪) character from 18th. & 19th. C. manga & pamphlets, or toys & clothes; tōfu-kozō had no particular special powers,  & arrives as a servant monster with a dainty bamboo umbrella, bringing tōfu or sake,  often during rainstorms… But mold might grow on the tofu before anyone can finish eating it, or the sake go sour; Tōfu Boy often has a huge baby-Huey-like head, sometimes a large tōfu-brick head & one eye & no mouth,  & usually presents the tōfu with an autumn leaf design on a round tray;  Tōfu Boys are considered wimps by the other yōkai (妖怪), & sometimes bullied or picked on,  just like manga fanboys; 
  §§)  Yōkai (妖怪) is a difficult term to pin down, (in kanji) it might refer to something bewitching  or  attractive; or to calamity, &/or spectre,  apparition, mystery, something fishy or suspicious.  The Yōkai (妖怪), based on Shinto folklore’s impish sprints &/or dæmons can act as servants or boon companions;  yōkai by nature are compulsive & impulsive energumins,  to say the least,  & can be malevolent,  treacherous,  even deadly,  but are more usually obsessive-compulsive pains in the arse,  just like manga nerds. Think of them as a tutelary stalker.  Yōkai (妖怪) transitioned as characters in 18th. & 19th. C. manga & pamphlets,  as well as finding their way into decorative illustrations on toys & clothes or as charms to ward off smallpox or ill fortune;  Shinto folklore being more animistic, their Yōkai (妖怪) aren’t like Western European folklore’s goblins,  they’re likely to be a sort of monster servant or companion or tutelary dæmon,  a grieving child’s imaginary friend,  & closer to dæmons or eidolons of ancient Greece, or to rakshasa dæmons of India; yōkai (妖怪) are also known to give solace & comfort to people in grief;  
  §§§)  Ayakashi  (あやかし) is a variety of yōkai (妖怪) that may haunt the surface of a lake or river or sea, often as ghostly lights at the water’s surface; ayakashi are thought to be vengeful ghosts of those who drowned, usually at sea & trying to trick or entrap unwary people into joining them; they can be seen on the beach at night, seeming to be a child walking through flames; pilgrims walking along the coast may encounter them in the form of a mountain, an obstruction, but if they confront it, & rush against it or strike at it, it disappears, clearing their path; r
 §§§§) Mononoke (物の怪), a yōkai (妖怪), whether dead or alive, are said to possess mere mortals, cause great suffering, disease or death; monks & priests would pray & chant incantations, drive away the yōkai, perhaps even moving them to a servant or apprentice & then completely exorcise them;
§§§§§) Mamono (魔物) is a fearsome yōkai (妖怪), or an ogre or monster, all bark & little bite, an obnoxious prankster.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press