Tuesday, June 30, 2020

& tues., 30 june, 2020: french & german proof through what night?: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
FRENCH:  Trempe le drapeau dans de l'héroïne et je m'en accomoderai…” 
GERMAN:   Tauch die Flagge im Heroin ein,  dann sauge ich sie an.”
)  Soak the flag in heroin & I'll suck on it!”
      — attrib. to a famous former Commissioner of Sewers  

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

Monday, June 29, 2020

& mon., 29 june, 2020: french proof through what night?: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
FRENCH:  Trempe le drapeau dans de l'héroïne et je m'en accomoderai…” 

)  Soak the flag in heroin & I'll suck on it!...”  
    — attrib. to a famous former Commissioner of Sewers  

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

& sun., 28 june, 2020: an isiZulu declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
isiZULU:  “Ngayay bon iNkosi ngiwumhedeni...”  §

§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!” 
  attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

sat., 27 june, 2020: an isiZulu declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
isiZULU:  “Ngayay bon iNkosi ngiwumhedeni...”  §

§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!”    attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

Saturday, June 27, 2020

fri., 26 june, 2020: icelandic winter survival tips: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]

ICELANDIC:  Farðírass! / Farðu í rassgat! ‡

‡ )  Lit., “(Go) crawl up an arsehole!”  /  “(Go) crawl up an asshole!” =  i.e., “(Go) Fuck Yourself!”  /  “Fuck off!”  

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press

https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

Thursday, June 25, 2020

thurs., 25 june, 2020: a danish game of thrones: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]

DANISH:   Sut dragepik.  ‡


 ‡)  “Suck dragon dick.”   /  “Suck dragon cock.”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press

https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

& wed., 24 june, 2020: argentine staycation, iii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
SPANISH:  ¿Dónde estan los forros?  
‡)  “Where’re the condoms?”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

& tues., 23, june, 2020: 3 day italian al dente, vii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
ITALIAN: Rompicoglioni....  (m./f.)   ‡‡
‡‡ )  Lit.,  “Arse-ripper...  /  Ass-ripper...”  / “Arse-buster...  /  Ass-buster...”  =  i.e.,  [Major]  pain in the arse...  /  [Major]  pain in the arse...
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

mon., 22, june, 2020: 3 day italian al dente, vii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
ITALIAN:  Figlio di puttana... (m.)    ‡‡

‡‡) “Son of a bitch...”  / “Son of a whore...” 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

Sunday, June 21, 2020

& sun., 21 june., 2020: a german affirmation of piety & faith, ii.:: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]

GERMAN:  „Gott ist tot.“   ‡


‡)  “God is dead.” 

—  attrib. to 19th. C. Germ. philologist & couch pope supreme Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

sat., 20 june dec., 2020: a german affirmation of piety & faith, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]

GERMAN:  „Gott ist tot.“   ‡

‡)  “God is dead.” 

—  attrib. to 19th. C. Germ. philologist & couch pope supreme Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

Friday, June 19, 2020

& fri.,19 june, 2020: towards a new s. african reading list, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]

AFRIKAANS:  As dit die nuutste J.K. Rowling boek is sale k wag vir die fliek, en dot ook mis’.  ‡‡


‡‡)  “If that's the latest J.K. Rowling book, I’ll wait for the movie & skip that, too.” 

[NOTE: we’d never skip a new Rowling, so lighten up, it’s a joke, or is it really?, it's pride month, after all, & rowling has continued her already-years old rant against trans people & whether they even have the right to exist, or be recognised despite the extensive medical literature in support of gender dysphoria, so any offence should be taken at her comments, right???]

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press

https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

thurs.,18 june, 2020: towards a new so. african reading list, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
AFRIKAANS:  As dit die nuutste J.K. Rowling boek is sale k wag vir die fliek, en dot ook mis’.  ‡‡

‡‡)  If that's the latest J.K. Rowling book, I’ll wait for the movie & skip that, too.” 
[NOTE: we’d never skip a new Rowling, so lighten up, it’s a joke, or is it really, it's pride month & rowling has continued her already-years old rant against trans people & whether they even have the right to exist, or be recognised despite the extensive medical literature in support of gender dysphoria, so any offence should be taken at her comments, right???]

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

& wed., 17 june, 2020: gone fishin’, or croatian, greek & italian thoughts on the u.s 2020 presidential elections: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
CROATIAN:  Donald Trump bi bio bolji kao novi redsjednik Rusije ...   
GREEK:    Γαμήστε τον Πούτιν και τη μαριονέτα του τον Τραμπ...     ‡‡
ITALIAN:    Donald Trump è un grande stronzo...   ‡‡‡
 ‡)  Donald Trump would be better as the President of Russia...” 
[NOTE: This is in re. various business “arrangements” that the Republicoño 2016 Presidential nominee has w/ Vladimir Putin... ]
  ‡‡)  Donald Trump is a big shite-for-brains arsehole...”
‡‡‡)  Donald Trump is a big shite-for-brains moron with a hard-on arsehole...”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

& tues., 16 june, 2020: gone fishin’, or croatian & greek thoughts on the u.s 2020 presidential elections: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
CROATIAN:  Donald Trump bi bio bolji kao novi redsjednik Rusije ...    
GREEK:    Γαμήστε τον Πούτιν και τη μαριονέτα του τον Τραμπ...     ‡‡
‡)  Donald Trump would be better as the President of Russia...” 
[NOTE: This is in re. various business “arrangements” that the Republicoño 2016 Presidential nominee has w/ Vladimir Putin... ]
‡‡)   Donald Trump is a big shite-for-brains arsehole...”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

mon., 15 june, 2020: fishin’, or croatian thoughts on the u.s 2020 presidential elections: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
CROATIAN:  Donald Trump bi bio bolji kao novi redsjednik Rusije ...    
‡)  Donald Trump would be better as the President of Russia...”  [NOTE: This is in re. various business “arrangements” that the Republicoño 2016 Presidential nominee has w/ Vladimir Putin... ]
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271

Sunday, June 14, 2020

& sun., 14 june, 2020: a serbian declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
SERBIAN:  Вала Вогу да нисам атеиста! ...”  / “Hvala Bogu da nisam ateista!...”  §
§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!” 
  attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages     http://softskull.com/?p=271