Friday, June 30, 2023

fri., 30 june, 20213: french & german & gaelic proof thru what night?, iii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  entire  &  total  point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

FRENCH:  Trempe le drapeau dans de l'héroïne et je m'en accomoderai…”  

GERMAN:   Tauch die Flagge im Heroin ein,  dann sauge ich sie an.”  

GAELIC, SCOTTISH:Bog a’ bhratach ann an heroin agus sùgidh mi oirre.”   


)  Soak the flag in heroin & I'll suck on it!”  — attrib. to a famous former Commissioner of Sewers  



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Thursday, June 29, 2023

thurs., 29 june, 2023: french & german proof through what night?, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

FRENCH:  Trempe le drapeau dans de l'héroïne et je m'en accomoderai…”   

GERMAN:   Tauch die Flagge im Heroin ein,  dann sauge ich sie an.”   


)  Soak the flag in heroin & I'll suck on it!”  — attrib. to a famous former Commissioner of Sewers  



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Wednesday, June 28, 2023

wed., 28 june, 2023: french proof through what night?, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

FRENCH:  Trempe le drapeau dans de l'héroïne et je m'en accomoderai…” 


)  Soak the flag in heroin & I'll suck on it!”  — attrib. to a famous former Commissioner of Sewers  



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press






Tuesday, June 27, 2023

tues., 27 june, 2023: an afrikaans shout out to the ukraine, ii.: give us this Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

AFRIKAANS:  Ons is almal Oekraïeners!   


AFRIKAANS:  Ons is almal Oekraïense!   ‡‡

[#OnsIsAlmalOekraïenses]  ‡‡


  )  We’re all Ukrainians!” 


‡‡)  We’re all Ukrainian!”  




from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Monday, June 26, 2023

mon., 26 june, 2023: an afrikaans shout out to the ukraine, i.: give us this Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

AFRIKAANS:  Ons is almal Oekraïeners!   



  )  We’re all Ukrainians!”  




from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Sunday, June 25, 2023

& sun., 25 june, 2023, a swedish declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

SWEDISH: “Gud är död.”   ‡‡


‡‡)  “God is dead.”  — attributed to the 19th. c. German philologist & sofa pontiff Frederich Nietszche.



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Saturday, June 24, 2023

sat., june 24, 2023, a swedish declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

SWEDISH: “Gud är död.”     ‡‡


‡‡)  “God is dead.”  — attributed to the 19th. c. German philologist & sofa pontiff Frederich Nietszche.



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press




Friday, June 23, 2023

fri., 23 june, 2023: the dutch of human kindness, xxxv.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole & compleat  &  total  & entire  point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

DUTCH:   Houd je muil!   


  )  Shut yr big fat  [animal]  mouth!” NOTE:  muil =  huge animal mouth 



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Thursday, June 22, 2023

thurs., 22 june, 2023: to the new french beard, ii., a.k.a. #TimesUp: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &   total  & entire  point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

FRENCH: La Barbe    ‡


  )  Lit., “The Beard= i.e., “TimesUp#Basta!,  Enough already!;  La Barbe is also the name of a proto-#TimesUp French Feminist collective started in Spring of 2008  (in the wake of Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s arrest in N.Y.C. for attempted rape & the perceived sexism of the French press's coverage), staging stage guerilla theatre, & appearing during official ceremonies or gatecrashing talkshows & corporate boardrooms, & reading parodies specifically prepared to match the particular occasion while wearing fake beards; even in post-COVID France they are still active.



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Wednesday, June 21, 2023

wed., 21 june, 2023: a lithuanian shout out to the ukraine: give us this Day our Daily Curse

NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

ESTONIAN: Me kõik oleme Ukrainlased! 



)  We’re all Ukrainians!”  




from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Tuesday, June 20, 2023

tues., 20 june, 2023: a norwegian shout out to the ukraine: give us this Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

NORWEGIAN:   Vi er alle ukrainare…   

[ #ViErAlleUkrainere... ]


)  We’re all Ukrainians!”   „ /   




from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Monday, June 19, 2023

mon., 19 june, 2023: a swedish shout out to the ukraine: give us this Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

SWEDISH:  Vi är alla ukrainare…   

[ #ViÄrAllaUkrainare... ]


)  We’re all Ukrainians!”   „ /   




from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Sunday, June 18, 2023

& sun., june 18, 2023, an estonian declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

ESTONIAN: “Jumal on surnud.”   ‡‡


‡‡)  “God is dead.”  — attributed to the 19th. c. German philologist & sofa pontiff Frederich Nietszche.



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Saturday, June 17, 2023

sat., 17 june, 2023, an estonian declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

ESTONIAN: “Jumal on surnud.”    ‡‡


‡‡)  “God is dead.”  — attributed to the 19th. c. German philologist & sofa pontiff Frederich Nietszche.



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Friday, June 16, 2023

fri., 16 june, 2023: a lithuanian shout out to the ukraine: give us this Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

LITHUANIAN:  Mes visi esame ukrainiečiai! / Mes visi – ukrainiečiai!      

[#MesVisiEsameUkrainiečiai]  [#MesVisiUkrainiečiai]


)  We’re all Ukrainians!” 




from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



fri., 16 june, 2023: bulgarian charity, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

BULGARIAN:  Той е абсолютна нула. — Toy e absolyotna nuda.  


  )  He’s an absolute zero.”  /   He’s an absolute nobody.”



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press

