Tuesday, February 28, 2017

tues., 28 feb., 2017: russian enemies list: give us This Day our Daily Curse

RUSSIAN:  враг народа...    vrag naroda...   

‡)  Just tell me praytell why the fuck is El Trumpo quoting Stalin & Robspierre all the time?  El Trumpo calls “media” the “Enemy of the People.”  The Russian Term,  “враг народа...    vrag naroda...”,  invokes the Stalinist purges & show trials, & can be traced back to the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror,  when the revolutionary vanguard designated its enemies & declared that the only thing owed to these Enemies of The People was Death.  Ulysses Carillon said that “Intention is the mother of Rhetoric...”  Accordingly,  when a fascistic orange merkin of a bully makes fiery & contradictory statements,  & refuses to back down or apologize even when called out on obvious lies,  do not give him the benefit of the doubt.  Enemies of the People  =  any politicians who betray the public trust.  Esp. if they’re businessmen who’ve repeatedly filed bankruptcy & refused to release their tax returns when entering politics.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Monday, February 27, 2017

mon., 27 feb., 2017: latvian field guide, x.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

LATVIAN:    Sūkā manu pipeli...  ‡‡

‡‡)    Suck my little dick...

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Sunday, February 26, 2017

& sun., 26 feb., 2017: hungarian declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

HUNGARIAN:  Köszönöm Istenem, hogy ateista vagyok...”  § 

§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!”    attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Saturday, February 25, 2017

sat., 25 feb., 2017: hungarian declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

HUNGARIAN:  Köszönöm Istenem, hogy ateista vagyok...”  § 

§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!”    attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Friday, February 24, 2017

fri., 24 feb., 2017: slovenian terms of co-dependency, vii: give us This Day our Daily Curse

SLOVENIAN:  Odjébi!    

   ‡)  Fuck off ... 


from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Thursday, February 23, 2017

thurs., 23 feb., 2017: french belle epoque rankings, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

FRENCH:  Piqueassiette...   

‡)   mooch  /   freeloader  /   party crasher    Lit., “one who habitually  dines off another person’s dinner plate”      they’re usually seductive & charming,  & exasperating if not downright infuriating,  in equal measure. NOTE:  This term dates back to le Belle epoque,  but is still in use...

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

& wed., 22 feb., 2017: a dutch soldier of orange?, v.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

DUTCH:  Ja,  Donald Trump is een klagerig klootzak...  bedfroefd... 
DUTCH:  Ja,  Donald Trump is een slijmerig smeerlap...  bedfroefd...  ‡‡
DUTCH:  Ja,  Donald Trump is een stomme eikel...  bedfroefd...  ‡‡‡
DUTCH:  Ja,  Donald Trump is een klagerig mierenfokker  [mierenfucker]...    bedfroefd...  ‡‡‡‡
DUTCH:  Ja,  Donald Trump is een veis kankerstuk...  bedfroefd...   ‡‡‡‡‡
       ‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a whiny ball-sac... Sad... [i.e., & e.g, “scrote”, “scrotum”] ;
     ‡‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a slimy scumbag...  Sad...  ;
   ‡‡‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a moronic dick-head...  Sad...  ;
  ‡‡‡‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a whiny ant-fucker...  Sad...   [NOTE:  ant-fucker  =  nit-picker] ;
  ‡‡‡‡‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a filthy piece [biopsy] of a cancerous tumour...  Sad...  

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

& tues., 21, 2017: a dutch soldier of orange?, iv.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

DUTCH:  Ja,  Donald Trump is een klagerig klootzak...  bedfroefd... 
DUTCH:  Ja,  Donald Trump is een slijmerig smeerlap...  bedfroefd...  ‡‡
DUTCH:  Ja,  Donald Trump is een stomme eikel...  bedfroefd...  ‡‡‡
DUTCH:  Ja,  Donald Trump is een mierenfokker  [mierenfucker]...  befroefd...  ‡‡‡‡
       ‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a whiny ball-sac... Sad... [i.e., & e.g, “scrote”, “scrotum” ;
     ‡‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a slimy scumbag...  Sad...  ;
   ‡‡‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a moronic dick-head...  Sad...  ;
  ‡‡‡‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a whiny ant-fucker...  Sad...   [NOTE:  ant-fucker  =  nit-picker ]

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Monday, February 20, 2017

& mon., 20 feb., 2017: #happynotmypresidentsday (a dutch soldier of orange?, iii.): give us This Day our Daily Curse

DUTCH:  Ja,  Donald Trump is een klagerig klootzak...   bedfroefd... 
DUTCH:  Ja,  Donald Trump is een slijmerig smeerlap...  bedfroefd...  ‡‡
DUTCH:  Ja,  Donald Trump is een stomme eikel...  bedfroefd...  ‡‡‡
       ‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a whiny ball-sac... Sad... [i.e., & e.g, “scrote”, “scrotum”] ;
     ‡‡)    Yes, Donald Trump’s a slimy scumbag...  Sad...  ;
   ‡‡‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a moronic dick-head...  Sad...  
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Sunday, February 19, 2017

& sun., 19 feb., 2017: a greek declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

GREEK:   Δόξα τω θεώ,  είμαι άθεος....”   “Thóxa to theó,  eímai átheos....”  §  

§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!”    attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Saturday, February 18, 2017

sat., 18 feb. 2017: a greek declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

GREEK:   Δόξα τω θεώ,  είμαι άθεος....”   “Thóxa to theó,  eímai átheos....”  §  

§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!”    attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Friday, February 17, 2017

& fri., 17 feb., 2017: a dutch soldier of orange?, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

DUTCH:  Ja,   Donald Trump is een klagerig klootzak...   bedfroefd... 

DUTCH:  Ja, Donald Trump is een slijmerig smeerlap... bedfroefd...  ‡‡
       ‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a whiny ball-sac... Sad.  [i.e., & e.g, “scrote”, “scrotum”] ;

     ‡‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a slimy scumbag... Sad.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


thurs., 16 feb., 2017: a dutch soldier of orange?, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

DUTCH:  Ja,  Donald Trump is een klagerig klootzak...   bedfroefd... 
       ‡) Yes, Donald Trump’s a whiny ball-sac... Sad.  [i.e., & e.g, “scrote”, “scrotum”] 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

wed., 15 feb., 2017: the dutch of human kindness, xxxviii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

DUTCH:   Reet   

   ‡)  Arsecrack  /  Asscrack

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

tues., 14 feb., 2017: my japanese valentine, i. & ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

JAPANESE:  ほんめいちょこ  /  本命チョコ  — honmei choko  §
JAPANESE:  ろーどしょ /  ロードショー  = rōdo shō  §§

   §)  Valentine’s Day chocolates given by a woman to display some romantic &/or erotic interest in a guy (or gal);
 §§)  Sex acts performed in public:  office cubicle,  cinema,  museum, cemetery,  bus,  tram, train, in wooded area or park, playground, beach, public loo; in semi-private space:  (in a) parked car  (sometimes parked in a carpark),  back seat of a taxicab,  a front yard or back yard with no or little fencing,  in a living room or den or bedroom looking out onto the front street or out to neighbors,  with the curtains opened wide;  Etym., Eng. loan word, “road show
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Monday, February 13, 2017

mon., 13 feb., 2017, terms of norwegian chivalry (not), i: give us This Day our Daily Curse

NORWEGIAN: Jævla fitte... 

 ‡)  Bitchy cunt...” /   “Cunting bitch...”     =  i.e.,  “[Thefucking stuck-up bitch won’t sleep with me...  (& after I even offered to buy her a drink...)”   /   “[The] fucking stuck-up whore won’t sleep with me...  (& after I even smiled at her...)”
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

& sun., 12 feb., 2017: a german declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

GERMAN:  “Gott sei Dank, ich bin Atheist...”  § 

§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!”    attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Saturday, February 11, 2017

sat., 11 feb., 2017: a german declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

GERMAN:  “Gott sei Dank, ich bin Atheist...”  § 

§)   “Thank God I’m an atheist!”  —  attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Friday, February 10, 2017

fri., 10 feb., 2017: slovenian terms of co-dependency, vi: give us This Day our Daily Curse

SLOVENIAN:   Kreten...    (m)   /   Kretenka...    (f)     ‡

‡)  “[You god damn pathetic]  moron...”   /   “[You god damn pathetic]  cretin...” 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.


Thursday, February 9, 2017

thurs., 9 feb., 2017: polish unfriending, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

POLISH:  Ciągnij smugę!  §

 §)  [Note: not to be confused with hiring prostitutes for water sports]   Piss off!” 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
