RUSSIAN: враг народа... — vrag naroda... ‡
‡) Just tell me praytell why the fuck is El
Trumpo quoting Stalin & Robspierre all the time? El Trumpo calls “media” the “Enemy of the
People.” The Russian Term, “враг народа... — vrag naroda...”, invokes the Stalinist purges & show
trials, & can be traced back to the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror, when the revolutionary vanguard designated its
enemies & declared that the only thing owed to these Enemies of The
People was Death. Ulysses Carillon
said that “Intention is the mother of Rhetoric...” Accordingly, when a fascistic orange merkin of a bully
makes fiery & contradictory statements, & refuses to back down or apologize even
when called out on obvious lies, do not
give him the benefit of the doubt.
Enemies of the People = any politicians who betray the public trust. Esp. if they’re businessmen who’ve repeatedly
filed bankruptcy & refused to release their tax returns when entering
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.