[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to
give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult &
invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
FRENCH: “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” ‡
FRENCH: “T. F. P. / Travail, Famille, Patrie” ‡‡
FRENCH: “Révolution c’est l’ opium des
intellectuelles...” ‡‡‡
FRENCH: 1 milliard pour Notre Dame! Zero pour les
sons logis! ‡‡‡‡
FRENCH: “Coucou les riches” ‡‡‡‡‡
‡) “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”
French Nat’l motto, dating fr. the French Revolution,
& conceptually embedded in the French Constitution ;
‡‡) “Work, Family, Fatherland” —
Nat’l motto of the Vichy Regime,
the fascist fuck-puppet govt. of the Nazi occupation ;
‡‡‡) “Revolution is the opium of the intellectuals...” — Popular Post-May ’68 Situationist graffito
that sprayed its way across European & US campuses, & eventually finding
its way into Lindsay Anderson’s O LUCKY MAN!
‡‡‡‡) “Millions for Notre Dame! Zero for the homeless!” /
“Millions for Notre Dame, nothing
for Les Misérables”
NOTE: Yellow Vest protest signs during Paris demonstrations
regarding a billion in billionaire donations to rebuild Notre Dame cathedral
after the recent fire even as the French govt. slashes social services, thus increasing poverty. Les Misérables is of course Victor Hugo’s
classic French novel about social injustice,
poverty & the 1832 Paris rebellion.
‡‡‡‡‡) “Coucou les riches…” — a yellow vest graffiti next
to the police cordon of an upmarket Bordeaux realtor.
NOTE: “Coucou les riches…”, i.e., & e.g., but not ibid., “I can see you…” in ref. to children’s
hide-&-seek, repurposed as political agitprop.
& PS:
& a great big go fuck-yourselves to the arseholes at google who are trying
to ruin everything that they buy out.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
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