[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language,
& meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat &
total & entire point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy,
& other political speech.]
perfide Angleterre... ‡
FRENCH: la perfide
Albion... ‡‡
FRENCH: L’Angleterre, ah, la perfide Angleterre, / 'L'Angleterre, ah, la perfide Angleterre, / que
le rempart de ses mers rendoit inaccessible aux Romains, / la foi du Sauveur y
est abordée. ‡‡‡
FRENCH: Attaquons dans ses eaux la perfide Albion. ‡‡‡
‡) Perfidious
NOTE: one
of two stock 19th c. French expressions [see below], dating from the
18th. c. British disavowel of the French Revolution, which had sought
to split the difference between a British Consitutional monarchy, & the new
Democracy in America, & used as a journalistic short-hand for any
diplomatic disputes between the English & the French... The English were so
disliked by Europeans in the 19th c. that the terms became popular
in Portugal after the British Ultimatum of 1890; & the Germans also used
the term, saying it in French, as they two had rising diplomatic tensions with
Britain. & also refering to the Treaty of Limerick of 1691, ending the war
between the R.C. Jacobites & Wm. of Orange’s loyal English forces,
initially giving Irish Catholics property rights, as well as religions freedom,
& to carry arms, but repudiated in 1695 by the Penal Laws... Such are
the Pommie Prot’ bastard motherfuckers... Actually, this shit goes back to the
14th c. & this
has had a revival with this brave new post-Brexit world this that has such Tories
in it, esp. in France, & in Spain, which has to deal with the Gibraltar clusterfuck ;
‡‡) Perfidious Albion. — see above
‡‡‡) England,
oh perfidious England, / Shielded against the Romans by her ocean ramparts,/ Now
receives the true faith.
‡‡‡‡) Let us attach perfidious Albion in her waters. — Attributed to
French-Spanish playwright Augustin Louis de Ximénès, in a 1793 poem, L'Ère
des Français
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