Monday, July 31, 2023

mon., 31 july, & tues., 1 aug., 2023: brazilian portuguese calisthenics (& shoutout to russian warships), i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

PORTUGUESE, BRAZ.:   Senta e voltea...    


   )   Sit & twirl...” / “Sit & twist...”  — Braz. Portuguese  

       [also, a good analogy to what the ukrainian navy told the russian war ship.]



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Sunday, July 30, 2023

& sun., 30 july, 2023: a norwegian declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

NORWEGIAN:  “Takk Gud for at jeg er ateist...”   § 


§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!”    attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Saturday, July 29, 2023

sat., 29 july, 2023: a norwegian declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

NORWEGIAN:  “Takk Gud for at jeg er ateist...”    § 


§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!”    attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Friday, July 28, 2023

fri., 28 july, 2023: a perhaps gentle norwegian rebuke: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

NORWEGIAN: Direke oversettelse er ok her Feks...    


) “You shite-sack liar...  /  You shit-sack liar...  /  You lying sack of shite....”  /  You lying sack of shit....”



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Thursday, July 27, 2023

thurs., 27 july, 2023: towards a new japanese spirituality, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

JAPANESE: アイテム/ あいてむ — aitemu       §


§)  whatever trendy totem or thing that you feel you absolutely need to possess,  to have,  to charge to yr credit card



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press




Wednesday, July 26, 2023

wed., 26 july, 2023: the dutch of human kindness, xxx.: Give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

DUTCH:   Het ging klote...    

DUTCH:   Het proef ging klote...    ‡‡


   )  That went balls-up...  /   That went bollocks...  i.e.,   That sucks sweaty balls  /   That sucks sweaty bollocks;  That went to sweaty balls shite... 

 ‡‡)  That test went balls-up...  /   That test went bollocks...  i.e.,  That test sucks sweaty balls  /  That test sucks sweaty bollocks  ;  That test went to sweaty balls shite...   



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Tuesday, July 25, 2023

tues., 25 july, 2023: an afrikaans shout out to the ukraine, ii.: give us this Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

AFRIKAANS:  Ons is almal Oekraïeners!   


AFRIKAANS:  Ons is almal Oekraïense!   ‡‡

[#OnsIsAlmalOekraïenses]  ‡‡


  )  We’re all Ukrainians!”


‡‡)  We’re all Ukrainian!”  




from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press





Monday, July 24, 2023

mon., 24 july, 2023: an afrikaans shout out to the ukraine, ii.: give us this Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

AFRIKAANS:  Ons is almal Oekraïeners!   



  )  We’re all Ukrainians!” 




from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Sunday, July 23, 2023

& sun., 23 july, 2023: an afrikaans declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

AFRIKAANS:  “Ank die Here ek is ’n atëis...”    § 


§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!”    attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Saturday, July 22, 2023

sat., 22 july, 2023: an afrikaans declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

AFRIKAANS:  “Ank die Here ek is ’n atëis...”     § 


§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!”    attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press




Friday, July 21, 2023

fri., 21 july, 2023: to the new french beard, iii, a.k.a. #TimesUp (still): give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,   &  other political speech.]

FRENCH: La Barbe  

FRENCH: “Ils se lachent, eless trinquent...”   ‡‡


  )  Lit., “The Beard”  =   i.e., Basta!, Enough already!; La Barbe is also the name of a proto-#TimesUp French Feminist collective started in Spring of 2008 (in the wake of Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s arrest in N.Y.C. for attempted rape & the perceived sexism of the French press's coverage), staging stage guerilla theatre, & appearing during official ceremonies or gatecrashing talkshows & corporate boardrooms, & reading parodies specifically prepared to match the particular occasion while wearing fake beards;

‡‡)  Men let loose, women pay...”  a Feminist petition used to rouse women to the streets, done all over France in Spring of 2012 



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Thursday, July 20, 2023

thurs., 20 july, 2023: brazilian car wash, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat   &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE:  Rouba, mas faz… acaba em pizza.  


)   Lit.He steals but the shit gets done...but  [if he’s rich & powerful & gets busted]  it ends in pizza  =  FA  sort of street proverb about corruption, that figuratively means  “He may steal but he gets the things that need to be done done…but if he’s rich & gets caught, nothing is really going to happen,  no consequences…  [In re. the book Operation Car Wash: Brazil’s Institutionalised Crime & the Inside Story of the Biggest Corruption Scandal in History,  reviewed in LRB, 23 June, 2022,   where Pres. Lula da Silva was brought down in 2018 by a right-wing engineered scandal over widespread corruption involving ALL Brasil’s political parties (a corruption so vast that politicians all over Latin America & the Carribean & even the US & in Africa were being bribed vast sums of money), & Lula’s resulting imprisonment for a couple of years.after a corrupt Supreme Court decided to throw him in prison… this resulted in Bolsinario, the mini-Trumpo of Brasil becoming president. & after it was revealed that the judge who’d sentenced Lula & been appointed into Bolsinario’s cabinet, & furthermore had sentenced Lula on Bolsinario’s behalf ;  Lula was released in late 2019, & in the nxt election was reelected President by a healthy margin, after a runoff ... But Bolsinario still tried to pull Trump-Jan.6-style shite.] 



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Wednesday, July 19, 2023

wed., 19 may, 2023: an italian shout out to the ukraine: give us this Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total   &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

ITALIAN:  Tots som ucraïnesos!

[#TotsSomUcraïnesos]    ‡


)  We’re all Ukrainians!” 




from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press



Tuesday, July 18, 2023

tues., 18 july, 2023: an irish gaelic shout out to the ukraine: give us this Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity   &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]      

YIDDISH: מיר זענען אַלע אוקראַיִנערס  / Mir zenen ale ukrainers  



)  We’re all Ukrainians!” 




from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press




tues., 18 july, 2023: a sincere german political suggestion (& i mean it, man), i.: give us this Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:   these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

GERMAN:  Were wollen mehr Demokratie wagen.“   



)  Let‘s dare more Democracy!”  — attrib. To former German PM Willy Brandt   [#LetsDareMoreDemocracy



from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press






Monday, July 17, 2023

mon., 17 july, 2023: an irish gaelic shout out to the ukraine: give us this Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE:  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult  &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,  &  other political speech.]

IRISH GAELIC:  Is Úcránaigh muid uile!



)  We’re all Ukrainians!”  




from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press




Sunday, July 16, 2023

& sun., 16 july, 2023: an italian declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE :  these terms are weaponized language,  &  meant to give offense.  Which is the whole  &  compleat  &  total  &  entire point of insult   &  invective,  obscenity  &  blasphemy,   &  other political speech.]

ITALIAN:  “Sempre ateo grazia a Dio.”  /  “Grazie Dio, sono ateo.”     § 


§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!”     attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel         


from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press

