[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language,
& meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat &
entirely total point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy,
& other political speech.]
feitastur ‡
feitur (nom., s., m) / feit (nom., s., f) ; feitan (accusative,
s., m) / feita (accusative, s., f) ; feitt (nom.
& accusitive, s., n.) ; feitum
s., m) / feitari (dative, s., f) ;
feitum (dative, s., n.) ; feits (genitive, s., m.) / feitar (accusitive,
s., f) ; feits (genitive, n.) ; feitir
(nom., pl., m) / feitar (nom.
& accusitive, pl., f) ; feitar (accusative,
pl., m) ; feit (nom. & accusative, pl., n.) ; feitt (nom.
& accusitive, s., n.) ; feitum (dative, pl., m & f) ;
feita (genitive, pl., m & f)
FAROESE: hora (s., f.) / horu (genative,
s., f.) / horur (pl.,
f.) ‡‡‡
Superlatively Cool, Superlatively
phat, Superlatively hep; = arsehole / Etym.,
Old Norse, Feitr = fat;
(1) Cool, phat, hep, groovy ; (2) bold typeface ; (3) fat — Etym.,
Old Norse, Feitr = fat;
whore / slut — Etym., Old Norse,
hóra ; Proto-Indo-Europ., kāro = dear
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
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