[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat & total & entire point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
FRENCH: Il en est ainse... ‡
‡) “He’s queer...” NOTE: This is not intended as an insult, more as gossip or pillow talk. This was writ by M.P. Henry Chips Channon in his diary ** upon meeting the young playwright (& unknownst to him future lover) Terrence Rattigan. Initially Channon found Ratigan cute but dull, but gradually became smitten by Rattigan, always lavishing him with expensive shirts & cufflinks, even expensive writstwatches, even after they broke up. His diaries, now uncensored, provide around 3400 pgs of highly detailed Who’s-Fucking-Who history of the upper classes in the UK, France, & the US, fr. circa w.w. i., through to the post-w.w. ii period, & into the late 1950s. No turn is left unstoned.
**) Henry ‘Chips Channon: the Diaries, 1918—38, ed., Simon Heffler, Hutchinson, 1124 pgs, 978 1 7833 1816; Henry ‘Chips Channon: the Diaries, 1938—43, ed., Simon Heffler, Hutchinson, 1120 pgs, 978 1 7833 1823; Henry ‘Chips Channon: the Diaries, 1943—57, ed., Simon Heffler, Hutchinson, 1168 pgs, 978 1 52915 1725
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
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