Monday, June 29, 2015

mon., 29 jun., 2015: french health advisories, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

FRENCH:  Quel chienne foutue...  

  ‡ )    “[What a] Fucked-up bitch...”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

sat., 27 jun., & sun., 28 jun., 2015: a macedonian blasphomet: give us This Day our Daily Curse

MACEDONIAN:   Да ти ебам бозество!      Da ti ebam bozestvo!    ‡‡

   ‡‡ )  Fuck yr God!”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

fri., 26 june, 2015: dutch health advisories, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

DUTCH:   Je moet mij niet dissen...   

)   You shouldn’t fuck with me...”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

wed., 24 jun., & thurs., 25 jun., 2015: catalan karma, ii.?: give us This Day our Daily Curse

CATALAN:   Mal karma puta.  
CATALAN:   Mal karma caganer.  

    ‡)  That bitch is bad karma...”  /  You’re a bad karma bitch...”  
  ‡‡)  That bollock-bastard’s bad karma...”   /  You’re a bad karma bollock-bastard...”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

mon., 22 jun., & tues., 23 jun., 2015: czech farm life: give us This Day our Daily Curse

CZECH:  Kravo zasrana!  

 ‡ )  You fucking cow!”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

& sun., 21 jun., 2015: a very finnish solstice blasphomet: give us This Day our Daily Curse

FINNISH:  Vedämvittu päähän ja pakene Jeesuskyrpä!   §

 § )  Draw a cunt on yr forehead & run for Jesus’ cock!  /  Draw a cunt on yr forhead & run for Jesus’ dick!”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

sat., 20 jun., 2015: a very finnish solstice blasphomet: give us This Day our Daily Curse

FINNISH:  Vedämvittu päähän ja pakene Jeesuskyrpä!   §

 § ) “Draw a cunt on yr forehead & run for Jesus’ cock!” / Draw a cunt on yr forhead & run for Jesus’ dick!”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Friday, June 19, 2015

fri., 19 jun., 2015: croatian diplomatic overtures, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

CROATIAN:   Mama ti se jebe sa Srbima na internetu. 

  ‡ )  Yr mother has internet sex with Serbs.” 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

wed., 17 jun., & thurs. 18 jun., 2015: catalan karma, i.?: give us This Day our Daily Curse

CATALAN:   Mal karma puta.  
 ‡ )  That bitch is bad karma.”  /   
         “You're a bad karma bitch.” 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

tues., 16 jun., 2015: an irish gaelic bloomsday request.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

GAILIC, IRISH:   Pógue mo thóin...  ‡

  ‡ )  “Kiss my arse.”  /  “Kiss my ass.”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Monday, June 15, 2015

mon., 15 june, 2015: a swahili matrilinial salutation: Give us This Day our Daily Curse

SWAHILI: Kumamako, nakata tatu! 

 ‡ ) “Your mother’s twatin triplicate!”  =  i.e,  Go fuck yourself,  in triplicate!”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

& sun., 14 jun., 2015: a mexican blessing: give us This Day our Daily Curse

SPANISH:  Vaya con tu Evangelista coño dios. Pero vaya té. §

§)  “Go with yr Evangelist cunt God. But go.”   /   “Go with yr cunting Evangelist God. But go.”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

sat., 13 jun., 2015: a mexican blessing: give us This Day our Daily Curse

SPANISH:  Vaya con tu Evangelista coño dios. Pero vaya té.  §

§)  Go with yr Evangelist cunt God. But go.”   /   Go with yr cunting Evangelist God. But go.”   

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Friday, June 12, 2015

thurs., 11 june, & fri., 12 june, 2015: an albanian acknowledgement that class warfare exists: give us This Day our Daily Curse

ALBANIAN:   Fashísti janë vegla të kapitalistëve!  

‡) Fascists  [or teabaggersare nothing more than Capitalist tools!”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

tues., 9 june, 2015, & wed., 10 june, 2015: a russian mash note: give us This Day our Daily Curse

RUSSIAN:   Как жизнь, сучий потрох!    Kak žizn', sučiy potrokh?  

‡ )   How’s life,  bitch guts?” — trad. Russ. intimate greeting & term of endearment    can be considered insulting,  but not w/  family,  friends or lovers 
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Monday, June 8, 2015

mon., 8 june, 2015: hungarian rhapsody, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

HUNGARIAN:   A béka segge alatt... ‡

‡‡)  Lit., “Under the frog’s arse...”  /  Under the frog’s ass...”  =  i.e.,  buried under shiteloads of debt.  NOTE:  Can also mean seriously under the weather or very ill,  but usage usually  in ref. to monetary woes....  The title of Tibor Fischer’s Booker-shortlisted 1st. novel,  Under the Frog, set in post-W.W. II Hungary,  was a cleaned up version of this expression.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

& sun., 7 june, 2015: an italian declaration of faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

ITALIAN:   Sempre ateo grazia a Dio.   §

 § ) “Thank God I’m an atheist!” — attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

sat., 6 june, 2015: an italian declaration of faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

ITALIAN:   Sempre ateo grazia a Dio.   §

 § ) “Thank God I’m an atheist!” — attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

fri., 5 june, 2015: back by populuxe demand: dennis hastert ed.: deutschland unter alles, vii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

GERMAN:  Ein geiler Wicht...  ‡

‡)  “[Hes] a pervey dirty old man...”  /   “[Hesa[n old] pervert...”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

thurs., 4 june, 2015: all in the tamil family: give us This Day our Daily Curse

TAMIL: அடாங் கொக்க மக்கா ... — Adan kokka makka...  
  ‡ )  “Yr sister’s daughter...”  /  “Yr sister’s son...”    Madras idiom,  similar to Sp.  Y tu mamá también...  [ fr. slangmela]

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

tues., 2 june, & wed., 3 june, 2015: japanese work & play ethics, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

JAPANESE:  ふぁくする  /  ファクする ... — Fakku suru...  §

 §)  In office or workspace settings this usually refers to a fax   unless coworkers are planning to sneak off to a love hotel for lunch.  In social or recreational situations, this will usually mean “fuck” & indeed may refer to love hotel assignations   unless someone’s waiting for a fax, or maybe doing a sex fax  (saxing?, which brings us back to...)

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Monday, June 1, 2015

mon., 1 june, 2015: a polish prayer: give us This Day our Daily Curse

POLISH:  Kurwa mac!   §

 §)  “Oh,  for fucks’ sake!”  —  Intensive.  Lit.,  “Kurwa”  =  “Bitch”  /  “Whore”  /  “Slut” 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.