SPANISH: El general Pinochet y Henry Kissinger jodieron a su
madre. ‡
SPANISH: El general Pinochet y Henry Kissinger jodieron a su
abuela. ‡‡
SPANISH: El general Pinochet y Henry Kissinger jodieron a su
padre. ‡‡‡
SPANISH: El general Pinochet y Henry Kissinger jodieron a su
abuelo. ‡‡‡‡
NOTE: In ref. to a Henry Kissenger-ordered
& CIA-orchestrated bloody military coup in Chile on 11 Sept., 1973, during
which the elected pres. Salvador Allende was assassinated; what followed was
decades of military rule, with thousands
of rapes & extra-judiciary murders,
initially in Santiago’s statium, & later, students & labor organizers &
psychiatrists & artists & anyone deemed remotely “political” taken to
“safe houses” & tortured & then driven to military airstrips &
loaded onto helicopters & then a hundred miles or so off-shore dumped into
the Pacific Ocean, & a neo-liberal
economic regime that repeatedly tanked the economy while handing over the
profits of its natural resources to international mining corporations.
General Pinochet and Henry Kissinger fucked your mother.
General Pinochet and Henry Kissinger fucked your grandmother.
General Pinochet and Henry Kissinger fucked your father.
General Pinochet and Henry Kissinger fucked your grandfather.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.