[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to
give offense. Which is the whole & compleat & total & entire point of insult & invective,
obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
sol com a peneira... ‡‡
‡) Lit., “Cover the sun with a
sieve...” = a
Brazilian aphorism used by graffiti muralist Paulo Ito to refer to the billions
& billions of dollars that had been spent by the Brazilian govt. on the World
Cup, & after that, the Olympics, while
making deep cuts in programs to fight poverty, & dislocating thousands of
residents from the stadium sites, all of this galvanizing the Brazilian public, resulting in protests & riots, & esp. to the very weak gestures the
govt. had made in response to the protests; Paulo Ito tapped into the zeitgeist with a mural that had adorned the
front doors of a São Paulo schoolhouse, a mural depicting a starving Brazilian
child of the favela w/ nothing but a soccer ball on his plate, & virally-replicated on social &
a-social media all over the world, web
media & television — whether left- or right-wing... & after everything
they still wound up with a fascist lawn troll as president, that fascist lawn
troll being Jair Bonsinaro, who’s now trying to beat the #PutinSponsoredUrineSoakedOvalOffice
for the worst leadership during a pandemic, after doing his damnedest to let
the Amazon forest burn down. This esp. true with Brasil having some of the world’s
highest COVID-19 morbidities. & now Japan goes ahead with 2021 olympics
even as another COVD-19 surge hits Japan.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=curse+and+berate+in+69%2B+languages http://softskull.com/?p=271