these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which
is the whole & compleat & total & entire point of insult &
invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
DAKOTA: Wasicu... ‡
NAVAJO: Belliganna ‡‡
YUP´IK (INUIT): Qussak ‡‡‡
‡) Lit., “[One who] takes the fat” — i.e., selfish bastard; Dakota term for the invading whitey greed-head
peoples ;
‡‡) Navajo term for the invading
whitey people, probably corruption of
Spanish “Americano” ;
‡‡‡) Lit., “Cassock”
Yup´ik (Inuit) term for the Russian invaders...
NOTE: As for the orig. New England Thanksgiving feast
being a coming together & celebration of mutual aid between the Pequot
Nation’s peoples & the Pilgrims
(many of whose leaders were military veterans of Europe’s 30 yrs
wars, & other adventures), the first Thanksgiving feast in 1637 was
hosted by Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts to honor a militia who had just
slaughtered approximately 700 Pequot Nation’s men, women & children. (Others were enslaved, some taken to Europe
for the entertainment fo various royal courts.)
We have been unable to find any terms of endearment for these genocidal motherless
fucks, these “Puritans” — & welcome any lexicographic or linguistic
& in
2016 during a very freezing angstgiving week the whole world watched (minus the
USA itself, as this is getting little US media coverage) as mercenaries aim
water cannons at first nation protesters on a sovereign native american
from curse + berate in 69+ languages,
from Soft Skull Press.
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