HEBREW: ! לעזה לך — Lech le ’Aza! ‡
‡) Lit., “Go to Gaza!” — i.e., “Go to Hell!”
[NOTE: In ref. to the scapegoat sent into the wilderness on Yom Kippur as noted in Leviticus 16. In either case, it’s equiv. to saying “Go to Hell!” — & more recently in ref. to scapegoating of Palestinians in Gaza. For Isrealis who have served in the army, Gaza is considered Hell on Earth. This sense of Gaza as a huge open air prison goes all the way back to 1967, when Israel began its occupation of Gaza after the 6-Day War, & arguably even earlier, with skirmishes going back to 1956…always with civilian casualties… In early Oct. of this yr, Israel was focussed on the West Bank, & helping Israeli settlers in their pogroms against the local Palestinians, & also worried abt what Iran might be up to—& not without cause, Israel military & intelligence, thusly occupied, ignored friendly Intel from Egypt about Gaza being really really Realy REALLY restless. Mohamed Dief, the Hamas military ops chief, had lost his wife & two children during a 2014 Israeli airstrike. Dief’s revenge against Israel was a surprise military attack on Israeli border forces, on 7 Oct., called the Al-Aqsa Flood—after the Mosque in Jerusalem that has become a political football between Palestinians & Israeli politicians & military. This military attack was followed by bloodthirsty guerilla attacks on kibbutzim, killing over a thousand Jewish settlers—men & women & children— & guest workers & even Jewish allies of the Palestinian cause. This is arguably also in response to the years of attacks on peaceful protesters in Gaza, mowed down by the Israeli Army—with Amnesty International eyewitnesses. & Israel, caught in an equivalent of the Tet Offensive & the PLO 1972 Munich Olympics attack, told the people of Gaza to leave the north of Gaza—many of these people already refugees from elsewhere stuck in Gaza for years & even decades now. & they were told to go south, & as they did so, along a route that the Israelis told them tio take, well over a hundred were killed by Israeli air strikes & mortar. — & in Gaza City itself, more than one hospital has been struck. Since then the United Nations, & leaders in the US & Canada & Europe, & progressives everywhere, including progressive Jewish American & Jewish Europeans have repeatedly called for a ceasefire as civilian deaths in Gaza exceed 10,000… & Netanyahu, ever conciliatory, & the head of the Israeli military, suggest that they all fuck off… & a Palestinian American child was murdered in Chicago…& a Palestinian American member of the US Congress was just censured for saying that her people were about to be pushed into the sea…& new generations of Hamas are being recruited by all of this military escalation against civilians… & anti-semtism & anti-Palistinain-American violence has infcreased quite a bit more than usual. & the usual is already unacceptable.]
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