Friday, December 23, 2011

fri., 23 dec., 2010, countdown 2 xmas, pt. ix.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

CATALAN:  (el) caganer  ++
CATALAN:  (el) caganatio  +++

 ++ )  (el) Caganer =  Lit., "the shitter"; el caganer is that local shepherd squatting next to Joseph & Mary by the baby Jesus — he has to take a ferocious dump RIGHT NOW... This Catalan Catholic Xmas trad. dating back to late 17th. or early 18th. C.  Despite attempts by local authorities to ban public displays, el caganer is an essential part of Catalan Xmas. ;
+++ )  (el) Caganatio =  Lit., "the shitting log" — (el) Caganatio is another Catalan Cath. Xmas trad. A log with a face carved or painted on it is swathed in a blanket. On Xmas eve the children shout at & abuse the log, exhorting the log to shit their Xmas treats; when the blanket is removed the Xmas treats are found, treats obligingly shat out by the coprocopia known as (el) Caganatio 
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

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