Wednesday, July 15, 2015

wed., 15 jul., 2015: a public service & reasoned rant in re. kale

all you wegetarians & weggans who take me to task for hate speech against kale *, read this baby. & then send me notarized written apologies, & $10 for helping save your life.

seriously, tho: kale, & to a lesser extent cabbage & other members of the brassica family like watercress, radishes, and turnips are very good at taking up thallium from the soil. & thallium is a heavy metal, & causes problems like, oh, "chronic fatigue, skin & hair issues, arrythmias & other  neurological disorders (like foggy thinking), gluten sensitivity and other digestive troubles. sometimes even the possibility of lyme disease."

how does thallium get in soil? any farms near cement plants, oil drilling, smelting, & esp. farms that get falling ash from coal burning.

if yr kale comes from a hydroponic organic green house great, but otherwise, stay away from kale,
*) if you need kale, instead get "cale", that's "john cale"  & stick to john cale albums (or the first 2 velvet underground albums or his eno & lou reed & patti smith & nico collaborations & productions); stay away from "kale" unless it is spelled w/ a "c" & playing an electric viola...

we will return to our regular linguistic regimens later today...

or tomorrow.

summer colds suck. not as badly as kale. kale kills.

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