Monday, November 30, 2015

mon., 30 nov., 2015: post-angstgiving dakota & navajo & yup´ik sobriquets: give us This Day our Daily Curse

DAKOTA:  Wasicu...  
NAVAJO:   Belliganna  ‡‡
YUP´IK (INUIT):  Qussak  ‡‡‡

 ‡ )  Lit.,  “[One who] takes the fat    i.e.,  selfish bastard;  Dakota term for the invading whitey greed-head peoples ;
‡‡)  Navajo term for the invading whitey people,  probably corruption of Spanish “Americano” ;
‡‡‡)  Lit., “Cassock    Yup´ik  (Inuit)  term for the Russian invaders...
NOTE: As for the orig. New England Thanksgiving feast being a coming together & celebration of mutual aid between the Pequot Nation’s peoples & the Pilgrims  (many of whose leaders were military veterans of Europe’s 30 yrs wars,  & other adventures),  the first Thanksgiving feast in 1637 was hosted by Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts to honor a militia who had just slaughtered approximately 700 Pequot Nation’s men, women & children.  (Others were enslaved, some taken to Europe for the entertainment fo various royal courts.)  We have been unable to find any terms of endearment for these genocidal motherless fucks, these “Puritans” — & welcome any lexicographic or linguistic references.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

& sun., 29 nov., 2015: post-angstgiving navajo & yup´ik sobriquets: give us This Day our Daily Curse

NAVAJO:   Belliganna   
YUP´IK (INUIT):  Qussak  ‡‡

  ‡)  Navajo term for the invading whitey people,  probably corruption of Spanish “Americano” ;
  ‡‡)  Lit., “Cassock    Yup´ik  (Inuit)  term for the Russian invaders...
NOTE:  As for the orig. New England Thanksgiving feast being a coming together & celebration of mutual aid between the Pequot Nation’s peoples & the Pilgrims  (many of whose leaders were military veterans of Europe’s 30 yrs wars,  & other adventures),  the first Thanksgiving feast in 1637 was hosted by Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts to honor a militia who had just slaughtered approximately 700 Pequot Nation’s men, women & children.  (Others were enslaved, some taken to Europe for the entertainment fo various royal courts.)  We have been unable to find any terms of endearment for these genocidal motherless fucks, these “Puritans” — & welcome any lexicographic or linguistic references.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

sat., 28 nov., 2015: a post-angstgiving navajo sobriquet: give us This Day our Daily Curse

NAVAJO:   Belliganna ... 

 ‡)  Navajo term for the invading whitey people,  probably corruption of Spanish “Americano”
NOTE:  As for the orig. New England Thanksgiving feast being a coming together & celebration of mutual aid between the Pequot Nation’s peoples & the Pilgrims  (many of whose leaders were military veterans of Europe’s 30 yrs wars,  & other adventures),  the first Thanksgiving feast in 1637 was hosted by Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts to honor a militia who had just slaughtered approximately 700 Pequot Nation’s men, women & children.  (Others were enslaved, some taken to Europe for the entertainment fo various royal courts.)  We have been unable to find any terms of endearment for these genocidal motherless fucks, these “Puritans” — & welcome any lexicographic or linguistic references.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Friday, November 27, 2015

fri., 27 nov., 2015: a post-angstgiving dakota sobriquet: give us This Day our Daily Curse

DAKOTA:  Wasicu... 

   ‡)   Lit.,  “[One who] takes the fat    i.e.,  selfish bastard;  Dakota term for the invading whitey greed-head peoples
NOTE: As for the orig. New England Thanksgiving feast being a coming together & celebration of mutual aid between the Pequot Nation’s peoples & the Pilgrims  (many of whose leaders were military veterans of Europe’s 30 yrs wars,  & other adventures),  the first Thanksgiving feast in 1637 was hosted by Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts to honor a militia who had just slaughtered approximately 700 Pequot Nation’s men, women & children.  (Others were enslaved, some taken to Europe for the entertainment fo various royal courts.)  We have been unable to find any terms of endearment for these genocidal motherless fucks, these “Puritans” — & welcome any lexicographic or linguistic references.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

thurs., 26 nov., 2015: quechua takes on angstgiving’s legacy, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

QUECHUA:  pukakunka   ‡‡
QUECHUA: "¡Manañam kunanmanta wakchakayniykiwan wiraqocha mikhunqañachu¡" ‡‡‡

‡‡)   lit., “redneck  Inca term for the Castilian Spaniards, dating fr. late 17th. & 18th. c. insurgencies.
 ‡‡‡)  From now on, no more shall Spaniards feast on our poverty!”    attributed to Inca Tuba Amaru II, who ran an Insurgent Inca State in the remote Andes,  fr. which he declared war on the occupying Spaniards    speech circa 1780.
NOTE:  As for the orig. New England Thanksgiving feast being a coming together & celebration of mutual aid between the Pequot Nation’s peoples & the Pilgrims (many of whose leaders were military veterans of Europe’s 30 yrs wars, & other adventures), the first Thanksgiving feast in 1637 was hosted by Governor Winthrop of Massachusetts to honor a militia who had just slaughtered approximately 700 Pequot Nation’s men, women & children. (Others were enslaved, some taken to Europe for the entertainment fo various royal courts.) We have been unable to find any terms of endearment for these genocidal motherless fucks, these “Puritans”—& welcome any lexicographic or linguistic references.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

wed., 25 nov., 2015, quechua takes on angstgiving’s legacy, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

QUECHUA:  pukakunka   ++

++ )  lit.,  “redneck  Inca term for the Castilian Spaniards, dating fr. late 17th. & 18th. c. insurgencies

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

tues., 24 nov., 2015: nahuatl & spanish takes on angstgiving’s legacy, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

NAHUATL:   Gachupin!  (sing.)  /  Gachupines!  (pl.)  §
SPANISH/NAHUATL:   ¡Pinchí gachupin!  (sing.)  /  ¡Pinchí Gachupines!   (pl.)   §§
SPANISH/NAHUATL:   ¡A la chingada infierno con el pinchí gachupin!  (sing.)   /  ¡A la chingada infierno con los pinchí Gachupines!  (pl.)    §§§

  §)  gachupin  /  gachupines    nahuatl [aztec] sobriquet for the conquistador saviors,  very popular in the 19th. c. & early 20th. c., during wars of independence & revolutions, & still occasionally used against snotty Spaniards who claim to have no Indio in their lineage   indeed the gachupin is so beloved by the nahuatl that they frequently add a jocose death toor a just-joshing to hell withor an ironic “fucking” to make the terms of their affection perfectly clear   any brandished guns or machetes are also intended ironically,  & any injury or death of a gachupin are an unfortunate accident or mishap,  & no,  señor policia,  we didn’t hear or see a thing...”   Etym.,  Nahuatl, cactli  =  any sandal,  shoe or footwear ; Span.,  chapín  =  conquistadores’ high heel boots;
   §§)   Fucking high-and-mighty gachupin Spaniard!” (s.)  /  Fucking high-&-mighty gachupin Spaniards!”  (pl.) ;
  §§§)   To fucking hell with that fucking high-&-mighty gachupin Spaniard!”  /   To fucking hell with those fucking high-&-mighty gachupin Spaniards!”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Monday, November 23, 2015

mon. 23 nov., 2015: nahuatl & spanish takes on angstgiving’s legacy, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

NAHUATL:   Gachupin!  (sing.)  /  Gachupines!  (pl.)   §
SPANISH / NAHUATL:   ¡Pinchí gachupin!  (sing.)  /  ¡Pinchí Gachupines!   (pl.)   §§

§ )  gachupin / gachupines    nahuatl  [aztec]  sobriquet for their conquistador saviors,  very popular in the 19th. c. & early 20th. c., during wars of independence & revolutions, & still occasionally used against snotty Spaniards who claim to have no Indio in their lineage    indeed the gachupin is so beloved by the nahuatl that they frequently add a jocose death toor a just-joshing to hell withor an ironicfucking to make the terms of their affection perfectly clear    any brandished guns or machetes are also intended ironically,  & any injury or death of a gachupin are an unfortunate accident or mishap,  & no,  señor policia, we didn’t hear or see a thing...”   Etym.,  Nahuatl,  cactli  =  any sandal, shoe or footwear ;  Span.,  chapín  =  conquistadores’ high heel boots;
§§ )   Fucking high-&-mighty gachupin Spaniard!”  (s.)  /  Fucking high-&-mighty gachupin Spaniards!”   (pl.)

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

& sun., 22 nov., 2015: a nahuatl take on angstgiving’s legacy, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

NAHUATL:   Gachupin!  (sing.)  /  Gachupines! (pl.)  §

§ )  gachupin / gachupines    nahuatl [aztec]  sobriquet for their conquistador saviors,  very popular in the 19th. c.  & early 20th. c., during wars of independence & revolutions, & still occasionally used against snotty Spaniards who claim to have no Indio in their lineage — indeed the gachupin is so beloved by the nahuatl that they frequently add a jocose death toor a just-joshing to hell withor an ironicfucking to make the terms of their affection perfectly clear — any brandished guns or machetes are also intended ironically,  & any injury or death of a gachupin are an unfortunate accident or mishap, & no,  señor policia, we didn’t hear or see a thing...”   Etym.,  Nahuatl,  cactli  =  any sandal,  shoe or footwear ;  Span.,  chapín  =  conquistadores' high heel boots

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

sat., 21 nov., 2015: a nahuatl take on angstgiving’s legacy, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

NAHUATL:   Gachupin!  (sing.)  /  Gachupines! (pl.)  §
§ )  gachupin / gachupines   nahuatl [aztec]  sobriquet for their conquistador saviors,  very popular in the 19th. c. & early 20th. c., during wars of independence & revolutions, & still occasionally used against snotty Spaniards who claim to have no Indio in their lineage — indeed the gachupin is so beloved by the nahuatl that they frequently add a jocose death toor a just-joshing to hell withor an ironicfucking to make the terms of their affection perfectly clear — any brandished guns or machetes are also intended ironically,  & any injury or death of a gachupin are an unfortunate accident or mishap, & no,  señor policia, we didn’t here or see a thing...”   Etym.,  Nahuatl,  cactli  =  any sandal,  shoe or footwear ;  Span.,  chapín  =  conquistadores' high heel boots

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Friday, November 20, 2015

fri., 20 nov., 2015: the dutch of human kindness, xxxx.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

DUTCH:  Ik snap er geen zak van...   

   ‡)  I don’t understand any of this for balls...”  /  “I don’t understand any of this for bollocks...”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

thurs., 19 nov., 2015: on the varieties of russian royalty, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

RUSSIAN:  армянская королева armjanskaja koroljeva  

    )  Lit.,  Armenian Queen =  a passive/bottom queer or faggot, as opposed to any sort of bossy bottom;  someone who was raped by Armenians  (NOTE:  Armenians considered by Russians to be a bunch sheepshagging sheepshaggers,  faggoty sheepshaggers,   &/or sheepshagging faggots)

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

wed., 18 nov., 2015: bosnian patriarchal salutations, iii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

BOSNIAN:  Jebem ti deda! 

  ‡ )  I’ll fuck yr grandfather!” / “I’ll fuck yr grandpa! 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

tues., 17 nov., 2015: the dutch of human kindness, xxxix.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

DUTCH:  Strontjock...  

 ‡)   Shite kid...”  /  Shit kid...”  =  i.e.,  a rotten shitty punk-arse kid;  a junior thug-in-training...

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Monday, November 16, 2015

mon. 16 nov., 2015: funky fanakalo afrikaanisms, vi.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

FANAKALO AFRIKAANS:   Soutpiel… / Soutie…    ‡‡

      ‡)  Salty dick…  /  Salty dick…  i.e., & e.g. = Pejorative descriptor for any limey or pommie interloper fr. The Empire.  Lit., somebody w/ a foot in the UK, & another foot in S. Africa, w/ their dick flopping in & out of the Atlantic  [NOTE: Funakalo is a pidgin Afrikaans dialect comprised of Afrikaans, Eng.,  & many Native S. African langs., incl. isiZulu.;  Funakalo / Fanakalo  also isiZulu ref. for when non-isiZulu speakers fuck up & mangle their lang.  Etym.,   fanakalo,  Zulu,  fana  =  same ;  k  =  as ;  lo  =  this.]

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

& sun., 15 nov., 2015: yet another humble slovenian blasphomet: give us This Day our Daily Curse

SLOVENIAN:   Jožef na Jezus na Majrijii!!  
  ‡)   Joseph on Jesus on Mary!!” 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

sat., 14 nov., 2015: yet another humble slovenian blasphomet: give us This Day our Daily Curse

SLOVENIAN:   Jožef na Jezus na Majrijii!!!  
  ‡)  Joseph on Jesus on Mary!!!” 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Friday, November 13, 2015

fri., 13 nov., 2015: funky fanakalo afrikaanisms, v.: give us This Day our Daily Curse


   ‡ )  It thunders!”  /  He scores!”  =  Ubiquitous cheer heard @ S. African football matches.   [NOTE: Funakalo is a pidgin Afrikaans dialect comprised of Afrikaans, Eng., & many Native S. African langs., incl. isiZulu.;  Funakalo / Fanakalo  also isiZulu ref. for when non-isiZulu speakers fuck up & mangle their lang.  Etym.,  fanakalo, Zulu, fana  = same ;  k  =  as ;  lo  =  this.]


from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

thurs., 12 nov., 2015: towards a new vietnamese diet plan, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

VIETNAMESE:  Ăn máu ln...  ‡

 ‡  “(Go) eat bloody twat!” 


from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

wed., 11 nov., 2015: italian observations on donald trump, ii.: Give us This Day our Daily Curse

ITALIAN:  Donald Trump è un gran rompipalle!  / Donald Trump è un gran rompicoglioni!    

 ‡) “Donald Trump is a real ball buster...”


from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

tues., 10 nov., 2015: cuban expat revisionisms, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

SPANISH:  Ojalatero!  (s.)  /  Ojalateros!   (pl.)   

   ‡ )  Wishful thinker!”  / “Wishful thinkers!”  =  i.e.,  You wish,  you lying revisionist sack of shite!”  [NOTE: Used by Cubans to describe armchair freedom fighters wh0 fantasised & later lied abt joining Castro’s revolution against Bautista,  but who at most wrote a bit of graffiti or attended a demonstration.  Ted Cruz, Canadian-born Cuban exile, & 2016 Republicoño US Presidential Candidate,  always talks abt his father throwing bombs & running guns & enduring horrible torture & interogation.  Ted Cruz’s father repeats these stories for the Teabag lecture circuit,  only his story changes from time to time to time.  & there is no corroboration whatsofucking ever in Cuba for the Cruz family’s dodgy ssertions & claims...]


from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Monday, November 9, 2015

mon., 9 nov., 2015: funky fanakalo afrikaanisms, iv.: give us This Day our Daily Curse


   ‡ )  Lazy arse…”   /  Lazy ass…  [NOTE: Funakalo is a pidgin Afrikaans dialect comprised of Afrikaans, Eng., & many Native S. African langs., incl. isiZulu.; Funakalo / Fanakalo  also isiZulu ref. for when non-isiZulu speakers fuck up & mangle their lang.  Etym.,  fanakalo, Zulu, fana  = same ;  k  =  as ;  lo  =  this.]


from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

& sun., 8 nov., 2015: another humble slovenian blasphomet: give us This Day our Daily Curse

SLOVENIAN:   Jezus na Majrijii!!  
  ‡)  Jesus on Mary!!” 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

sat., 7 nov., 2015: another humble slovenian blasphomet: give us This Day our Daily Curse

SLOVENIAN:   Jezus na Majrijii!!  
  ‡)   Jesus on Mary!!” 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Friday, November 6, 2015

fri., 5 nov., 2015: bosnian matrilineal salutations, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

BOSNIAN:  Jebem ti majka!  ‡‡

‡‡ )  I’ll fuck yr mother! 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

thurs., 5 nov., 2015: patriarchal thai salutations, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

THAI:  ไลั เวร!    Aif wæhnm!

   ‡ )  Bitch!”


from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

wed., 4 nov., 2015: faroese cool cat pillow talk, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

FAROESE:    hora  (s.,  f.)  /  horu  (genative,  s.,  f.)  /  horur  (pl.,   f.) 
FAROESE:    Ego komi nú!  ‡‡

   ‡)  whore  /  slut  —  Etym.,  Old Norse, hóra ;  Proto-Indo-Europ.,  kāro = dear ;
  ‡‡)  I’m going to cum!”  /  I’m cumming!”  /  I’m going to shoot my wad!”   /   I’m shooting my wad!” 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

tues., 3 nov., 2015: faroese cool cat pillow talk, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

FAROESE:    hora (s.,  f.) / horu  (genative,  s.,  f.)  /  horur  (pl.,  f.) 
   ‡)  whore / slut — Etym.,  Old Norse, hóra ;  Proto-Indo-Europ.,  kāro = dear    

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

mon., 2 nov., 2015: faroese cool cats, iv.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

FAROESE:   feitur  (nom.,  s.,  m)  / feit  (nom.,  s.,  f) ; feitan  (accusative,  s., m)  /  feita  (accusative,  s., f) ;  feitt (nom. & accusitive,  s., n.) ;  feitum  (dative,  s., m)  /  feitari  (dative,  s., f)  ;  feitum  (dative, s., n.)  ;  feits  (genitive,  s.,  m.)  /  feitar  (accusitive, s., f) ;  feits   (genitive, n.) ;  feitir  (nom., pl., m)  /  feitar  (nom. & accusitive,  pl.,  f) ;  feitar  (accusative,  pl., m)  ;  feit  (nom. & accusative,  pl., n.) ;  feitt  (nom. & accusitive,  s., n.) ;  feitum  (dative, pl., m & f)  ;  feita (genitive, pl., m & f)     
FAROESE:  feitastur  ‡‡
FAROESE:    hora (s., f.) / horu  (genative, s., f.)  / horur  (pl., f.)  ‡‡‡

       ‡ )  (1) Cool, phat, hep, groovy ; (2) bold typeface ; (3)  fat  Etym., Old Norse, Feitr = fat;
      ‡‡ )  Superlatively Cool, Superlatively phat, Superlatively hep;  = arsehole  hipster / Etym., Old Norse, Feitr = fat;
    ‡‡‡ )  whore / slut — Etym., Old Norse, hóra ; Proto-Indo-Europ., kāro = dear  

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

& sun., 1 nov., 2015: another mexican dia de los muertos blessing: give us This Day our Daily Curse

SPANISH:  ¡Joda su Día de los Mueros,  y joda a los muertos en su familia y luego vaya son jodidos,  aun si se tiene que joder!  /  ¡Chinga su Día de los Mueros,  y chinga a los muertos en su familia y luego vaya y chingate,  aun si se tiene que chingar!     
SPANISH:  Parece que jodió un chupacabra...  /  Parece que friegó un chupacabra...  ‡‡
‡)   Fuck your Day of the Dead, & then fuck the dead in your family, and then go get fucked, even if you have to fuck yourself..!”
‡‡)   You look like you fucked a chupacabra...” [NOTE: the chupacabra is a more interesting Mexican & Central American variation of Bigfoot/Yeti, in that it is a vampiric goat demon;  imagine Baal with morning wood.]

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.