Sunday, July 30, 2017

& sun., 30 july, 2017: a dutch declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

DUTCH:  God zij dank ben ik een atheist...”   §

§)   Thank God I’m an atheist!”    attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

sat., 29 july., 2017: a dutch declaration of piety & faith: give us This Day our Daily Curse

DUTCH:  God zij dank ben ik een atheist...”   §

§)   “Thank God I’m an atheist!”  —  attributed to Spanish surrealist & filmmaker Luis Buñuel 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

fri., 28 july, 2017: japanese work ethics, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

JAPANESE:  ぶるせら  /  ブルセラ  — burusera §

  §)   the (usually mail-order) retailing a teenaged girl’s dirty knickers that are sold (usually) to men (usually, but not always, older)

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

thurs., 27 july, 2017: deutschland unter alles, xxxxvii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

GERMAN:   Er hat ein ganz schönes Polster am Hintern.   

 ‡)   That guy’s carrying a spare tire & a fat arse.”   [Note:  das Polster  =  upholstery,  padding;  also in ref. to beer belly, “spare tire”.  This sort of body shaming’s even considered offensive in Europe;  while their obesity epidemic isn’t nearly as bad as that in the U.S.,  it’s still a health issue.   & if some motherless fuck or arsehole’s being a real motherless fuck or arsehole there are plenty of other rude & effective words to whomp them with.]        

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

wed., 26 july, 2017: italian dolce dolce, ii.: Give us This Day our Daily Curse

ITALIAN:   Cacasodo...   

‡‡)  [That arsehole]  Thinks his shite doesn’t stink...  /  [That asshole]  Thinks his shit doesn’t stink...

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

tues., 25 july, 2017: on the varieties of russian royalty & russian hotels, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

RUSSIAN:   Путин жжот! —  Putin žžot! ‡

‡)  Lit.,  “Putin turns up the heat...”   Moscow graffiti,  circa 2010,  made newly relevant by  the ever-rewarding revelations of Russian-Whores-Pissing-In-A-Bed-In-A-Moscow-Hotel-for-Donald-Trumpgate

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

mon., 24 july, 2017: brazilian hypocratic oaths, viii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse


   ‡ )  a made-up or imaginary health plan (much like what the Republicoño congress is trying to fool everyone with)   =   using subterfuge or hoax to postpone solution or decision
(much like what the Republicoño congress is trying to fool everyone with) 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

& sun., 23 july, 2017: yr national socialist jesus, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

GERMAN, BAVARIAN DIAL.:   Jessas im Stuka.  ‡‡  

    ‡‡ )   “Jesus in a Stuka!”   [  NOTE:  the Stuka,  Ju 87,  or Junkers,  was a Nazi 2-man dive bomber aircraft first tested for combat as part of the Luftwaffe’s support of Franco in 1936 during the Spanish Civil War ;  the Stuka was very successful during the Blitzkriegs of 1938 through 1942, as well as the early Russian front campaigns, & in the Balkans,  Mediterranean & African campaigns ; its flaws were revealed during the Battle of Britain   lack of manoeuverability being the least of it — ,  & it was phased out & by 1944 replaced by the Focker.   Wiki ]

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

sat., 22 july, 2017: yr national socialist jesus, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

GERMAN, BAVARIAN DIAL.:   Jessas im Stuka.  ‡‡  

    ‡‡ )   “Jesus in a Stuka!”   [  NOTE:  the Stuka, Ju 87, or Junkers, was a Nazi 2-man dive bomber aircraft first tested for combat as part of the Luftwaffe’s support of Franco in 1936 during the Spanish Civil War ; the Stuka was very successful during the Blitzkriegs of 1938 through 1942, as well as the early Russian front campaigns, & in the Balkans, Mediterranean & African campaigns ; its flaws were revealed during the Battle of Britain — lack of manoeuverability being the least of it — , & it was phased out & by 1944 replaced by the Focker,  according to Wiki.]

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Friday, July 21, 2017

fri., 22 july, 2017: italian dolce dolce, i.: Give us This Day our Daily Curse

ITALIAN:   Bel niente...

 ‡‡) “A beautiful nothing...i.e.,  &  e.g.:  nothing,  errant bullshit & hype,  a cunningly marketed blank in an exquisite frame

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

thurs., 21 july, 2017: deutschland unter alles, xxxi.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

GERMAN:   Mach mich nicht an!

‡)  Stop hitting on me! / Lit., Leave me alone!            

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

wed., xx xxx., 2017: deutschland unter alles, xxxxiii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

GERMAN:   der Gesäßhusten...     

 ‡)   Lit., “Butt cough...”  i.e.,  &  e.g.,  “fart”... [The observation is most  likely to be heard on a primary secondary or tertiary campus,  or a library,  or market,  or galleria,  or airport,  or at a wedding or funeral,  or court hearing]

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

tues., 18 july, 2017: towards a hungarian epistemology, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

HUNGARIAN:    Kurva tényekbe.   ‡

  ‡ )  “Fuck reality.”  

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Monday, July 17, 2017

mon., 17 july, 2017: you’ve got mail!, from a nigerian charity, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

NIGERIAN:    Mugu... (sing.)  /  Mugus...  (pl.).   

  ‡ )  A not entirely respectful term used by those Nigerian widows who so deseprately need to get funds out of their country  (and who offer you a generous percentage should you assist them),  or from charitable foundations no one as ever heard of who send you desperate emails begging you to provide them with yr checking & savings acct. numbers, or in some really desperate & dire cases that you give them your credit card number, along with the security code. Sometimes they offer a deal too good to be true, a deal however, that does require a facilitating fee of at least a few thousand dollars. 
Should you comply to such a request from a Western grifter, they might simply describe you as: “Mark...” 
Or as a:   Sucker...


from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

sun., 16 july, 2017: having a wild bastille blasphomet weekend hangover, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

FRENCH:  Voila...c’est Marie le Con...  

 [NOTE :  Marie Le Con is a quite literal & rude pun on Le Pen...  Marie Le Pen being the daughter & political heir of the founder & leader of France’s National Front,  a racist,  anti-Semitic,  Islamophobic,  homophobic & neo-fascist organization making life in France miserable for immigrants, racial & religious minorities & gays since the late 1970s,  & allied w/ neo-fascist organizations in the UK,  Hungary,  Greece,  Poland,  the Netherlands, & esp. in Russia.  Le Pen is a great fan of Putin,  & of El Trumpo,  & has emulated the orange merkin hindenberg’s Twitter campaign tactics,  including extensive use of robo-tweets.  Le Pen’s admiration of Putin makes much more sense,  as Putin’s funded Le Pen’s operations for years,  as part of its campaign to destabilize western Europe...  Le Con is an honorific bestowed upon Le Pen by the French political satire magazine Charlie Hebdo...  &,  like the Terminator,  like Sarah Palin,  Marie Le Pen will be back...]

   ‡)   “’s Marie the Cunt...”  /  “’s Marie the Cunting Thug...”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.               

Saturday, July 15, 2017

sat., 15 july, 2017: having a wild bastille blasphomet weekend, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

FRENCH:  Liberté, Egalité, Fraternitémon cul.... ‡
FRENCH:  “T. F. P. / Travail, Famille, Patrie”  ‡‡
FRENCH:  “Révolution c’est l’ opium des intellectuelles...”  ‡‡‡

‡ )  NOTE:  Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” is the French national motto, dating back fr. the French Revolution & conceptually embeded in the French Constitution, hence a contrarian dissent... “‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” my arse...” ;      
‡‡ )  “Work, Family, Fatherland”    Nat’l motto of the Vichy Regime, the fascist fuck-puppet govt. of the Nazi occupation ;
‡‡‡ )   Revolution is the opium of the intellectuals...    Popular Post-May ’68 Situationist graffito that sprayed its way across European & US campuses, & eventually found its way into Lindsay Anderson’s O LUCKY MAN!

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Friday, July 14, 2017

fri., 14 july, 2017: it’s it’s it’s a wild bastille blasphomet weekend, ii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

FRENCH:  Liberté, Egalité, Fraternitémon cul.... ‡
FRENCH:  “T. F. P. / Travail, Famille, Patrie” ‡‡

‡ )  NOTE:  Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” is the French national motto, dating back fr. the French Revolution & conceptually embeded in the French Constitution, hence a contrarian dissent... “‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” my arse...” ;  
‡‡ )  “Work, Family, Fatherland”    Nat’l motto of the Vichy Regime, the puppet govt. of the Nazi occupation 

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

thurs., 13 july, 2017: it’s it’s it’s a wild bastille blasphomet weekend, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

FRENCH:  Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” mon cul... ‡

‡ )  NOTE:  Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” is the French national motto, dating back fr. the French Revolution & conceptually embeded in the French Constitution, hence a contrarian dissent... “‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’ my arse...”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

wed., 12 july, 2017: just call her a japanese angel in the morning, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

JAPANESE:     てんし — tenshi  §

  § ) Lit.,  angels =  i.e.,  sisters of mercy,  working girls,  sex workers,  whores, or anyone who leases out their body for a bit of rest & recreation in exchange for some coins of the realm, as opposed to prostitutes   who sell their souls

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

tues., 11 july, 2017: slovenian terms of endearment, viii: give us This Day our Daily Curse

SLOVENIAN:   Pizdun...  / Rit...     
SLOVENIAN:   Kreten pofúkan!     

   ‡)  “[You]  arsehole...”  /  “[You]  asshole...” 
 ‡‡)  You fucking cretinous arsehole...”  /  You fucking cretinous asshole...” 


from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Monday, July 10, 2017

mon., 10 july, 2017: a german koan, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

GERMAN:Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Autoschlange und einer echten Schlange?Bei der Autoschlange ist das Arschloch immer vorne. 

‡)   What’s the difference between a long line of cars and a real snake?” —  With a long line of cars, the arse-hole is at the front.
[NOTE:  Autoschlange,  =  auto-snake, schlange/snake also being a regional slang for dick or prick or cock, but not in this case]

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

& sun, 9 july, 2017: a mexican evangelic blessing, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

SPANISH:   Vaya con tu Evangelista coño dios...  Pero vaya té...   §

 § )  “Go with yr Evangelist cunt God... But go...”  /   “Go with yr cunting Evangelist God... But go...”   

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

sat., 8 july, 2017: a mexican evangelic blessing, i.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

SPANISH:   Vaya con tu Evangelista coño dios...   Pero vaya té...   §§

§§)  “Go with yr Evangelist cunt God... But go...”   /   “Go with yr cunting Evangelist God... But go...”   

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

fri., 7 july, 2017: croatian music appreciation:, i. give us This Day our Daily Curse

CROATIAN: Dao Bog da ti pankeri svirali na sprovodu!  

‡) “May God grant that punk rockers play at yr funeral!”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

thurs., 6 july., 2017: croatian music appreciation:, ii. give us This Day our Daily Curse

CROATIAN:   Jebo svoj usrani pank bend!   ‡

)    “Fuck yr shitty punk [rock] band!”

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.