Monday, September 23, 2019

& sun., 22 sept., 2019: at the heart of greta thunberg’s swedish climate strike, iii.: give us This Day our Daily Curse

[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult & invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
SWEDISH:  Flugsham   
FRENCH:  La terre est en feu… ‡‡

  ‡)   “Shame of flying…”   / “Shame of flying…” 
NOTE:  Flugsham  (Shame of Flying)  is a Swedish term & eco-warrior/eco-tourist raison d’etre & motto, referring to the inexcusable carbon quantities that each & every long-distance flyer is responsible.  Greta Thunberg, a teenaged Swedish environmental activist has galvanized international public attention by crossing the Atlantic from Scandinavia to New York City on a small boat to attend the Climate Strike scheduled for Fri., 20 Sept., 2019. She has testified before Congress, & called lying sack-of-shite motherless fuck Republicoños on their dissembling stupidity,  which was self-evident in their arrogant & idiotic questions that self-destructed even as they asked. All she had to do was pull out their freshly-rolled shaggy bullshit soaked red carpet from them. The climate strike is a world-wide event,  held in over 120 countries  &. largely organized by teenagers who tell everyone above the age of 50 that they’ll die of old age, whereas teenagers will live to die from climate change.
 ‡‡)  “The earth is on fire” a tweet sent by French president Macron before this summer’s G7 summit in response to the Amazon rainforest fires, something of an increasingly annual problem… & the intensity of this year’s fires caused by new #BrazilianFakePresident, who has declared a mining & agricultural burning & clearcutting free for all,  refusing any assistance to put out the flames,  & criticizing any criticism of his govt. as neo-colonialist fake news.  The guy has really studied the Donald.  The Brazilians have started to dial things back ever so slightly as several client countries (incl. EU members) are boycotting a lot of their product, incl. beef. While these fires are not currently catastrophic,  they can have effect on regional & global rain distribution,  & if the fires do continue, they can easily reach a tipping point,  destroying a major part of the earth’s planetary respiratory system.

from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press

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