[NOTE: these terms are weaponized language, & meant to
give offense. Which is the whole & compleat point of insult &
invective, obscenity & blasphemy, & other political speech.]
JAPANESE: どや — doya ‡
‡) NOTE: This can be a really nasty pejorative, depending on the
attitude of the person using the term, & reflect societal class
distinctions, which can always be nasty
& mean as goose shit.
So: どや
— doya = flop-house, or any really cheap apt.
lodging, often as not used as alt. housing for the homeless, usually with some
sort of govt. subsidy.
About 97% of homeless men in Japan are men, & most
grew up in rural communities, with few having education beyond some high
school. & many are in their 40s or older. Women who find themselves
homeless, usually for domestic violence, are offered many more options for
govt. subsidy or protection than men. This being perhaps one of the few
situations where patriarchal attitudes can play in a woman’s favor.
These flophouses are a lot more
pleasant than any western counterpart. Basically, just bare-bones lodging,
& are almost always very clean & kept well-maintained by any standard. Etym., やどや — yadoya = Inn. [Basically, a doya is an inferior
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