CATALAN: Plogués tant que l'aigua arribés al cel i el pei-xos piquissen els collons de Sant Pere, pensant-se que són molles de pa. +
SLOVENIAN: Marijii na Jesus! ++
+ ) I wish it rained so much that the waters flooded heaven & the fish bit. St. Peter's balls / bollocks, thinking that they're bread crumbs.
++ ) Holy Virgin Mary on Jesus!
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.
AFRIKAANS: Jou misraam-kindje *
TURKISH: Bad asl kuni.**
(We can’t count for shite…)
WELSH: Ffwcio dy Barbi-doli i fyny’r pen ol. ***
*) You abortion baby!
**) Evil back-stabbing faggoty queen.
***) Fuck your Barbi-doll up the ass/arse.
from curse + berate in 69+ languages, from Soft Skull Press.